Rubidium Environmental
Rubidium Environmental provides engineering services to assist industrial manufacturers comply with environmental regulations: Air, Noise/Vibration, Water Highly reactive, and solution oriented, Rubidium Environmental provides engineering services to:
-Industrial Manufacturers
-Property Owners/Developers
-Healthcare and Educational Facilities
-Land Use Planners
-Government Institutions
Without question, navigating the myriad of federal, provincial or municipal environmental regulations can be daunting at best. Rubidium Environmental transforms complex environmental regulations into simple solutions, allowing our clients to keep focused on what matters most, their business! Comprised of engineers and scientists, Rubidium differentiates ourselves from the typical consultant as we go beyond "computer output" and provide practical solutions from staff with actual industry experience. Rubidium can not only help our clients maintain compliance with government regulations, we can lead the way by engineering controls; whether it's optimizing waste from your process equipment, designing off-gas treatment systems, or complete noise abatement solutions.
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