I provide private and group sessions that focus on improving printing, grasp, and hand strengthening. Does your child have messy printing? Do they mix upper and lower case letters? Do their letters float above the line? I can help! I offer weekly 1 hour sessions that are available for small groups (3-4 students max) or 1:1 private sessions. Three programs are available: Get ready for school, Printing Improvement, and Cursive Handwriting. All programs follow a multi-sensory approach to keep the students engaged in learning.
Get ready for school topics include:
• Pre-printing skills (big lines, little lines)
• Drawing shapes
• Upper case letters taught in a developmental teaching order
• Pencil Grasp
• Scissor skills
• In-hand manipulation skills
• Hand strengthening
Printing improvement program topics include:
• letter formation patterns taught in a developmental teaching order
• pencil grasp
• spacing and sizing of letters
• letter alignment
• legibility (tracing over lines, hyper closure of letters)
• number reversals
• self editing techniques
• use of capitals and punctuation
I offer a Cursive Handwriting program for a variety of reasons. Some school boards do not teach cursive anymore, and numerous parents feel that it is an important skill for their children to learn. It is also helpful for older children that are having problems with their printing legibility to learn the new skill of cursive instead of trying to change the habits that are already formed. Because cursive writing flows, students are able to increase the speed of their written output. The cursive handwriting program follows the same structure as the Printing Improvement program.
Please contact me for more information, (519) 771-8238 or, or PM me on Facebook.
Claire Soden
Fine Motor Skills Consultant
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facebook.comNow booking weekly sessions for spring! Limited spaces available! PM for rates and available times.
Claire Soden, Fine Motor Skills Consultant
Please share my page with anyone who you feel may be interested! Thanks!
What’s Lost as Handwriting Fades
The Benefits of Cursive Go Beyond Writing
Losing our grip: More students entering school without fine motor skills