Kehewin Gasification
This page is to provide the people of Kehewin with information re: gasification. ISSUES/CONCERNS can be dealt with by phone or in person.
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facebook.comAs you all know, the band office is closed for the holidays until January 4th. However, Allison Badger will be in the office tomorrow December 29th from 12pm-3pm to take payments. We hope everyone had a merry Christmas and Wishing you all a happy new year 🎉
The band office is closed until January 4th. Allison will be in on December 29th from 12-3pm to take gas payments. Merry Christmas!! 🎄🎉
Good day, Kehewin! Just want to let everyone know there will be some METER CHANGES this weekend, September 23-25, 2016. Please be patient with whomever is there to change your meter, they are NOT locking your meter. Your appliances (furnace, hot water tank) may need to be re-lit after your meter is changed, this will be done by whomever is there to change your meter. However, if no one is home to let them in, they will leave a note on your door advising you to have your appliances re-lit if they do not re-start automatically. However, Lock Offs will be taking place in the 1st week of October, so there is still time to come make your payments or payment arrangements to avoid interruption of your gas services. Notices were sent out last month and again with the new bills going in the mail today. You can make bill payments anytime using any of the following payment options: 1. Pay in Person (cash/cheque/money order) at the band office Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, closed for Statutory Holidays and during lunch hour (12-1pm) 2. E-transfer to - call Allison at 780-826-3334 for more details on how to pay using this option. 3. Mail a cheque or money order along with the top portion of your bill to Kehewin Gasification Box 220 Kehewin, AB T0A 1C0
ATTENTION ALL CUSTOMERS: Sometime between Friday, May 13th and Monday, May 16th there was a break in at your Kehewin Gasification storage shed, located between the fire hall and KCN Contracting buildings. The padlock had been cut and the chain holding the door shut had been removed. Items/Equipment stolen: • Gas powered generator – good condition, red & black in color • Black tool bag containing various small tools • Pipe Cutting Table & Pipe Cutter • 2 – 36 inch rigid pipe wrenches • 2 – 18 inch offset rigid pipe wrenches • 2- shovels (1 flat – 1 spade) • ¾ Inch Nipple Caddy • 1 – Gas Powered Weed Whacker Any information leading to the recovery of the items stolen from your gas utility shed would be greatly beneficial to your utility. These items are extremely important for us to repair major gas leak problems and faulty meters. We will have to pay to replace these items as they are required constantly in our operations. If you could help to recover these items or identify the person or persons involved in this theft of your property it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Allison or Harvey in the Band Office if you have information in this regard. A reward for the recovery of these items or the identification and conviction of those involved is offered.