Isabelle Sellon School is a Grade 4-6 Elementary School serving the community of Crowsnest Pass, Alberta.
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facebook.comThe Isabelle Sellon School Grade Six Band and Beginner Fiddle Group are both performing at the Crowsnest Pass Music Festival on Wednesday morning at 10:45 in the ISS Gym. Everyone welcome!
Here's a little snippet of the 45A & 45B Ukulele Medley!
Here's a little snippet of the 45C & 45D ukulele medley!
Hot Lunch March 23, 2017
Next hot lunch is Thursday, March 23. Click for details.
Photos from Isabelle Sellon School's post
We are tuned up and ready for the Crowsnest Pass Music Festival! Student performances start at 1:00 in the Isabelle Sellon School Gym! Today's performances include Ukulele, Choir and Choral Speech! Everyone welcome!
Changes to School Administration in Crowsnest Pass Schools
There are a few changes coming up at Isabelle Sellon School - click the link below to read the memo from Livingstone Range School Division regarding changes to school administration at both Isabelle Sellon School and Crowsnest Consolidated School. If you have questions or concerns regarding these changes, please contact either Mr. Pichurski, Mrs. Davidson or Livingstone Range School Division Central Office.
Please check our website for the latest information of the Mumps Outbreak.
Timeline Photos
We are open! Hope everyone had a safe and healthy week off!
Timeline Photos
We are closed from February 18 - 26 for Family Day and Teachers' Convention. We will be open for school on Monday, February 27th!
Timeline Photos
Our Fiddle Group is making great progress! Photo credit: Erin Fairhurst
Photos from Isabelle Sellon School's post
We made some beautiful art in our "Working with Paint" breakout program today!
Timeline Photos
We had a great day at Castle Mountain on Monday! Big thanks to our parent volunteers and the good people at Castle Mountain Resort!