Di's Healthy Club
From morbidly obese, insecure and unhealthy to fit, active and leading a healthy lifestyle. This is a page about living your healthiest life. Welcome:) This is a place to encourage-motivate-inspire each other in our health and fitness journey!
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facebook.comToday's lunch is a recipe I shared last week. Mmm. I love it but I was the only one to give it a passing grade in our house.
Haha accurate! Happy Tuesday healthy peeps. It is back and biceps training for me today as well as run group tonight. How about you? Here's to an amazing Tuesday!☕
Leg day, check! Run group, check! Got to work with fantastic healthy peeps, check! #anotherdaystronger #makingnoexcuses
A little morning lunch prep. Mmm.
Happy Monday healthy peeps! I am so ready for a brand new week! Here's to a healthy start of a shinny new week!🍎 I haven't even written in my exercise journal yet so I don't know whats on my fitness plan for today... it will be a surprise. 😎 #happymonday
Weight workout, check! Happy Friday healthy peeps! #makingnoexcuses #shouldersandabs
Congratulations Carrie! You are our prize draw winner. Enjoy your pamper kit :)
That moment when you go to Costco without having your 3 o'clock snack. #disunhealthyclublol #thestruggleisreal
Tea delivery, look whats bacccckkk! Now to get a few tasks finished before my lunchtime fitness class :) #rolluptherim #fingerscrossed
We can file this post under wellbeing. Last night I got my 8 hours of sleep. My husband did school drop offs and I worked on that last hour of slumber. When my alarm went off, Jerry Seinfeld was offloading new gym equipment into my garage. Like we are talking awesome stuff. My garage was also twice it's actual size. I woke before I could find out if I won it or why he was gifting me so much haha. Do you have weird dreams often?
6kms tonight at run group. We took a selfie with the Valentine's Day tree. I love our town! 💓 #rungroup #blackfalds #anotherdaystronger