Quinte Health Care
Quinte Health Care (QHC) services are provided through four hospitals: Belleville General, North Hastings, Prince Edward County Memorial and Trenton Memorial. Quinte Health Care is made up of 1700 dedicated employees, along with 280 physicians who have privileges.
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facebook.comThere's good news for people in our community with hip or knee pain who are waiting to learn more about treatment options. Instead of waiting -- sometimes months -- to be assessed by an orthopedic surgeon, they are seen within two weeks of referral in the new Musculoskeletal Central Intake and Assessment Clinic - located at Belleville General Hospital. Read more on page 3: https://issuu.com/quintehealthcare/docs/march_2018_vital_signs_web?e=15464996/59630420
QHC Quinte 7 nurse Jacquie Morris, QHC porter Vicky Jackson and QHC physician Dr. Maria Theodorou shared their experiences with organ and tissue donation on the Lorne Brooker Show (CJBQ) this morning. Listen to the show starting 1 hour into this recording - https://soundcloud.com/quintebroadcasting/april-5th-wind-damage-just-a-tree-organ-and-tissue-donations-be-a-donor-campaign Register to be a donor at www.beadonor.ca/quintehealthcare
More interesting jobs available at QHC! - Resource Centre Representative - Ultrasonographer - Physician Assistant - Social Service Worker - Medical Radiology Technologist Plus many more! http://clients.njoyn.com/CL4/xweb/Xweb.asp?tbtoken=Z1hfQVUSSmlwF3F3MFBJFCA4A3ldclZfb10nUVgRD2wqWUoSXUEedWEEPApSUhFTSD5l&chk=dFlbQBJf&page=joblisting&CLID=76411 #Hiring #QHC #Healthcare
We're hiring a full time Coordinator of Protection Services and Emergency Preparedness. Check out the posting for this unique job! http://clients.njoyn.com/CL4/xweb/XWeb.asp?tbtoken=Z1hfQVUSSmlwF3F3MFBJFCA4A3ldclZfb10nUVgRD2wqWUoSXUEedWEEPApSUhFTSD5l&chk=dFlbQBJf&clid=76411&Page=JobDetails&Jobid=J0418-0051&BRID=74302&lang=1 #Hiring #QHC #Healthcare
Check out all the great nursing jobs currently available at QHC! - RN, Oncology - RN, Q4 ACE unit - RN, Operating Room - RPN, Women & Children - RN, Labour & Delivery - RN, Transition Pool Plus many more! http://clients.njoyn.com/CL4/xweb/Xweb.asp?tbtoken=ZV9fRB4XCGgBZXwDTVxcCFBNA2xEcFZYcUhZVy1%2BE2wuLUVtUUoYemouJS5ALiReeQkbUxNWSHEqWA%3D%3D&chk=dFlbQBJe&page=joblisting&CLID=76411' #Hiring #QHC #NursingJobs #OntarioNurses
April is Be-A-Donor Month! Let's be nice and pass it on. Let’s be a DONORnation. Register as an organ and tissue donor at www.beadonor.ca/quintehealthcare
“My husband is beginning chemotherapy at Belleville General Hospital and Margesh Patel in Pharmacy has been very helpful in determining whether the costs of the medication will be covered. The possibility of assuming the financial burden was a further stress we didn’t need during this already stressful time. Every time I had a question or concern he would email me back right away. He even took the time to find us in the Oncology waiting room during my husband’s appointment to introduce himself and put our minds at ease about the process. We were shocked and overwhelmed by his personal touch and compassion. My husband has a long road ahead and if we are lucky enough to encounter people like Margesh, it will make the journey much easier.” – Janet and Robert Furmidge https://issuu.com/quintehealthcare/docs/march_2018_vital_signs_web?e=15464996/59630420 #4MyTeam #TakeOwnership
Check out the latest jobs at QHC! - Facility Service Rep - Food Service Worker - Medical Device Reprocessing Technician - Echo Tech - Registered Orthopaedic Technologist - And lots of nursing jobs! http://clients.njoyn.com/CL4/xweb/Xweb.asp?tbtoken=ZV1YRx4XCBl3Y3EHTCRdCCc8c2REcFEpBkhYUCl9E2FdLUNvXktodBZzdgkbUxNWSHEqWA%3D%3D&chk=dFlbQBJe&CLID=76411&page=joblisting&lang=1 #Hiring #QHC #Healthcare
Check out our latest nursing job postings! - RN, Transition Pool - RN, Q7 Women & Children - RN, Q7 Labour & Delivery - RN Emergency (Bancroft) - RPN, Inpatient Unit/Emergency (Bancroft) http://clients.njoyn.com/CL4/xweb/Xweb.asp?tbtoken=bFpYQ1USNRlyZnF4MiFJZiBBdXldclUpbyQjUy4RCm1RUEJqXEIZdxMBPApSUhFTSD5l&chk=dFlbQBJf&page=joblisting&CLID=76411 #Hiring #QHC #NursingJobs #OntarioNurses #RNJobs
Come work in our BGH Pharmacy! A couple of jobs currently available: - Pharmacy Tech III - Technical Aide http://clients.njoyn.com/CL4/xweb/Xweb.asp?tbtoken=ZV9dRhMXCG97anx4TV1QCCc6A2REcCNUAUhYJV8LE2dYX0ceXjITc2p8dwkbUxNWSHEqWA%3D%3D&chk=dFlbQBJe&page=joblisting&CLID=76411 #Hiring #QHC #PharmacyJobs
We're hiring a permanent, full time Occupational Therapist! http://clients.njoyn.com/CL4/xweb/XWeb.asp?tbtoken=ZV9dRhMXCG97anx4TV1QCCc6A2REcCNUAUhYJV8LE2dYX0ceXjITc2p8dwkbUxNWSHEqWA%3D%3D&chk=dFlbQBJe&clid=76411&Page=JobDetails&Jobid=J0318-0660&BRID=73472&lang=1 #Hiring #QHC #OccupationalTherapy
Look, no cane! Holly McMurray survived and thrived because of the excellent stroke care she received at QHC. Read how an interprofessional team of caregivers got her talking, walking and home again to her family. https://issuu.com/quintehealthcare/docs/march_2018_vital_signs_web?e=15464996/59630420