Butler Elementary Mrs. Kidd's Classroom
Homework reminders, news flashes, fun photographs, videos, and all things cycle 1!
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Homework for the week: reading! No spelling test.
Timeline Photos
And this happened...Zander is now on multiplication!!!!! What a super star!!!!
Tarzan is in the house!
Past Homework
Spelling Lists
Anna Brantley's Teaching Resources
It's not an easy job managing a classroom, and having to give consequences for wrongdoings is never taken lightly. An interesting read from a teacher's perspective, for those interested.
Past Spelling Lists
Past Homework
Past Homework
BBC - Words and Pictures - Sandcastle Quiz Game
This is a online game that the kids can use to practice some tricky vowel spelling patterns: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures/phonics/sandcastle/flash/game.shtml
Quick note: There will only be reading for this week. No spelling as it is a short week.