Creating heirloom images to serve as a lasting legacy of your love.
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These two let me in on a little of their magical love and it was beautiful! . (Also... so grateful that it finally looks like spring🌷)
Photos from Brittany Sarah Photo's post
This isn't always an easy gig, but oh how rewarding. Wishing all you mommas and all your mommas a beautiful mother's day weekend.
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Hey mama, do you know why I do this job? To celebrate how beautiful this motherhood gig really is, everyday. (Yes, even the ugly bits that we totally don't have to love.) To get you looking past the imperfections and seeing the beauty inherent in your ordinary life... beauty put there by your intense love for those around you. To show you the beauty that your children see in YOU everyday. To celebrate the real journey of motherhood.
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It looks like we are finally in for another weekend nice enough to spend outdoors. We are excited for a little bit of forest hide and seek and snuggles.
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Sometimes I am jealous of their innate ability to go all in. To approach *every* moment with such intense interest and passion. . It is so easy for me to live in my head, and so hard to get this jazzed up about most of the completely ordinary moments. . And so I live vicariously through their little minds. They remind me of the tiny wonders and inspire me to go all in.
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Sometimes even big girls need a hug to feel better. Good thing baby brother hugs are never far away. #siblinglove
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This is the place he proposed, the place they spend nearly every weekend for much of the year. This is the way that they light each other up. This is how excited they are to become one. This is their love story, and I am honoured to bear witness. #loveauthentic #firstandlast #indiebride
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Happy Fri-YAY! Spring break ended up being a quiet week for us with one opting to stay up all night and sleep all day, one sick, and one bored because her playmates were sick and/or sleeping (and lets face it, this mom really isn't that exciting.) But Friday is here, everyone is back on their feet, my house has been relatively clean for three straight days, and we have friends coming for dinner. Fri-yay indeed! #friyay
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I love when I find you quietly absorbed in imaginary play. I feel as though I can see the dogs in your little brain turning as you explore new worlds and concepts. I adore the contrast of your still baby fingers and your eagerness to explore big kid worlds. #alwaysmybaby
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Photos from Brittany Sarah Photo's post
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A big part of the beauty of a connected partnership is having support during the surprising moments of life. Sometimes we have to roll with life's changes and make new plans. Even the most unexpected surprises can be profoundly beautiful if we embrace the joy together and don't get overwhelmed by the details. If that means planning a wedding in 1.5 days in order to relocate together, celebrate💕