Our church purpose is "... to glorify God by loving one another so that people come to know Jesus Christ personally and grow together in Him". Roseville United Brethren Church is a vibrant collection of people
from all walks of life. We are men and women who are professionals,
entrepreneurs, factory workers, farmers, stay-at-home moms, primary
caregiver dads and everything in between. We have long been known
as a friendly and welcoming church with an informal, somewhat casual feel. We welcome anyone who is interested, inquisitive, looking for a church home or simply on a spiritual journey to worship with us. We’d love to have you check us out.
Roseville UB has seen many new families added over the last 15 years as it’s doubled in size. In 2009 we had to double the size of our nursery! In the last three years we have had multiple young families, families with teens, college and career age singles and seniors choose to make our church home theirs as well. You would be welcome to make Roseville UB your church home too.
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facebook.comPhotos from Roseville United Brethren Church's post
It's a week of family and love so we're planning a baby dedication on Sunday in our Worship Celebration. We'd love to have you join us at 10:30 as Blake Jolley is dedicated to the Lord. In going through The Story, we start the New Testament this Sunday, celebrating Christmas in February! We also invite all men and boys to our full-course hot Men's Breakfast at 9 AM Sunday with guest speaker Kevin O'Connor.
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Our Worship Celebration this Sunday will feature the guys on Guitars leading us in praise and worship. We'll consider life lessons from the Story of Esther. We'd love to have you join us at 10:30 for worship! Also, join us for a carry in, fellowship dinner after church, bring a main dish and salad or dessert to share and enjoy some time together with the church family. Anyone interested is welcome to stay for our annual meeting after lunch.
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This Sunday we will take Communion together in Remembrance of Jesus suffering and death for us, through which we have access to God's grace, forgiveness, freedom, friendship and eternal life. We would love to have you join us at 10:30 for our Worship Celebration!
January 24th brings a twist as we celebrate the unity we have in Christ with a pastoral shuffle in the New Dundee area. Pastor Paul Kowtecky of New Dundee Baptist Church will bring a message at Roseville while our Pastor visits Rosebank BIC. We'd love to have you join us for our Worship Celebration at 10:30 .
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Special Sunday with Faith FM morning host Pat Murphy speaking in our Worship Celebration at 10:30. Also a full-course hot breakfast for men and boys with Mark Carmount sharing his faith journey at 9 am. We hope you can join us!
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This Sunday is our youth band will lead in praise and worship. We would love to have you join us @ 10:30 for our Worship Celebration.
Jesus allows a fresh start every day, not just on January 1st!