Cedarwood Services
Non-medical supportive care services for seniors including respite, companionship, personal care, transportation, advocacy and consulting If you are over the age of 65 and you reside in Glengarry and you want help to stay in your home safely and securely, Cedarwood Services will visit your home and provide a complimentary assessment to identify your specific needs. We will then design an individually-tailored program outlining the non-medical services that would best meet your needs. This will give you and your family the peace-of mind you need to remain in your own home for as long as possible.
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"She makes broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walks with the universe on her shoulders and makes it look like a pair of wings". Happy Mother's Day from the Cedarwood Family! #takecareofmom #whatmattersmost #thelittlethings
The Council on Aging of Ottawa / Le Conseil sur le vieillissement d'Ottawa
North Glengarry
Together we uncovered the physiology behind sleep, sorted through what's normal as we age, and left with some tips and strategies for getting a good night's sleep. Thank you Glengarry Encore Education for the opportunity!
Deep sleep may act as fountain of youth in old age
Research suggests that nearly every disease killing us in later life has a causal link to lack of sleep. "We've done a good job of extending life span, but a poor job of extending our health span", says UC Berkeley professor of psychology/neuroscience Matthew Walker. If you are not getting quality sleep then reach out for help.
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DON'T WAIT TO SIGN UP! "Importance of Sleep" at the Glengarry Encore Education Centre - Tuesday, April 25 at 10:00AM No matter what your age, sleeping is essential to your physical health and emotional well-being. Rest assured there are things you can do to get the sleep you need. Together we will explore the causes of sleep disturbances and learn tips for overcoming sleep problems. Call 613-525-1008 to reserve your spot.
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Happy Easter from the Cedarwood family! #hope #renewal #compassion
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Amen to innocence and experience! #intergenerational
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In honor of National #caregiver Day. Reach out and offer support to someone who cares. #thankyoucaregivers #youarenotalone
10 Things To Know About This Flu Season, Starting With No. 1: It's Not Even Over
This has been a tough flu season due to the dominant flu strain A/H3N2. "There are several different types of influenza viruses that circulate, and whenever the A virus type H3N2 circulates, there are particularly severe cases in lots of people." Just ask anyone in the health care industry or funeral home industry just how bad this flu season has been. Read on for more information.
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Glengarry Memorial Hospital is in the process of formulating its policy on MAiD ( Medial Assistance in Dying). I encourage you to stay informed and engaged in the discussion. Visit their website www.hgmh.on.ca and complete the survey: Community Survey - Medical Assistance in Dying.
Jann Arden
Looking forward to the launch of Jann's book about her caregiving journey. No doubt it will be full of love, laughter, anguish and hope.