The SPAW, Pet Rehabilitation and Fitness Centre
Your total fitness, physical rehabilitation, and weightloss centre for pets. Please contact Jenn Panko at 778-VET-SPAW (838-7729) We are proud to offer hydrotherapy, laser, chiropractic services and therapeutic exercise programs tailored to your pets individual needs and preferences.
Prehab: rehab before surgery or as a preventative measure
Post Operative Rehab: begins as soon as the day after surgery
SPAWsitively Fit: conditioning, fitness, and weight loss program
Raina's Friends: Pets from local shelters are provided with use of The SPAW to improve their mobility or behaviour and increase their chance of being successfully adopted.
The SPAW is pleased to offer a variety of programs to improve the overall health and well being of your pet.
It is important for most patients to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible after surgery. We provide laser treatments, cryotherapy, and pain management immediately following surgery and our patients return to our clinic the following day for additional treatment and creation of their individual rehabilitation protocol. Initial post-operative treatments are gentle. They promote healing and reduce the risks of post-operative complications.
Our rehabilitation plans and programs are custom made to suit your pet, your lifestyle, budget, and are based on the physiology of healing and exercise science. We combine state-of-the-art rehabilitation equipment with loving and compassionate care.
The team, which consists of you, your pet, the doctors and veterinary staff work towards one goal: to achieve the highest attainable quality of life for your pet. Whether your pet is an elite athlete, a senior with osteoarthritis, or a valuable family member recovering from an injury, we will provide your pet with the best possible conditioning, injury diagnostics, and physical rehabilitation.
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facebook.comPic Of The Day: #Brystol of @brystolandbrinkly is #graduating from her #postoprehab program at #TheSPAW this week following #bilateralTPLO #surgery at @aldergrovevet. She loves her #hydrotherapy sessions in our #underwatertreadmill. #cruciate #cruciatesurgery #TPLO #caninerehabilitation #caninerehab #recoverystartshere #K9Rehab #mobilitymatters #WeLoveOurPatients #WeCareBecauseYouDo #VetRehabGirl #aldergrovevet #DrMarkSmith #bulldog #bulldogsofinstagram #bulldogsofinsta #bulldogsofig #APRVT #vetrehabtechs #AARV #rehabvets #HeyDrAndy
Our girl #RockinRhonda working for her #snacks on this #sunnyday at Jenn's house. #stretch #hindendstrength #weightshifting #hipextension #spinalextension #plyometrics #seniorcat #felineweightloss #FelineRehab #mobilitymatters #vetrehab #vettechlife #APRVT #vetrehabtechs #AARV #rehabvets #TheSPAW #VetRehabGirl #aldergrovevet #surreyanimalresourcecentre #catexercise
This is George. He is #SPAWcurious. He belongs to Kyla, the #RVT from @aldergrovevet. Isn't he cute? #peekaboo #iseeyou #eyespy #george #curiousgeorge #justaskingforafriend #TheSPAW #aldergrovevet #WeLoveOurPatients #WeCareBecauseYouDo
Way to go Dr. Kleider! Very cool. 👏😎🐎🐴 #smartcookie #DACVSMR #equinerehab #equinesportsmedicine #KleiderVet #Langley
Sometimes we have a little bit (a lot!) of FUN at #TheSPAW. Cheer #Brystol of @brystolandbrinkly on as she conquers the #TotoFit #InfinityMountain following recovery from her second #TPLO. Isn't she #cute? She's celebrating #NationalCanineFitnessMonth #NCFM by working on her #BalanceToTheCore and improving her #bodyawareness and #strength. #KeepFitAndHaveFun #getmoving #BuildingBetterDogs #BuildingStrongerPuppies #KeepingItSimple #KeepingItSafe #purple #PhthalateFree #BurstResistantQuality #caninerehab #K9rehab #SPAWsitivelyFIT #VetRehabGirl #APRVT #vetrehabtechs #AARV #rehabvets #aldergrovevet #TotoFitCanada
SPAW Evening Clients, After speaking with The RCMP today evening clients are to park in the parking spots in front of The SPAW and I will be leaving the premises at the same time as my last client. Nobody stays or leaves alone. #buddysystem #safety #communitysafety Thanks for your understanding and stay safe! -Jenn
#April is #NationalCanineFitnessMonth and #TheSPAW and #TotoFitCanada ate excited to share information on #caninefitness. Today's #hottopic is #weightshifting front to back and side to side. Ideally our #pets and #canineathletes should carry their weight 60:40 front limbs: hind limbs and 50:50 side to side. Check out Belzie working on her #corestrength and weight shifting on our #purple #PhthalateFree #BalanceToTheCore #BurstResistantQuality #TotoFit equipment. We're here to help! #WeLoveOurPatients #WeCareBecauseYouDo #VetRehabGirl
Turn The Volume Up: #FridayFunny Meet #LexiMunroe and hear her sing the song of her people! Lexi likes to #KeepFitAndHaveFun at #TheSPAW following her #tplosurgery. Isn't she cute? #singitgirl #singingdog #TPLO #caninerehabilitation #caninerehab #caninefitness #mobilitymatters #WeLoveOurPatients #WeCareBecauseYouDo #aldergrovevet #VetRehabGirl #TotoFitCanada #APRVT #AARV #vetrehabtechs #rehabvets #vettechlife #HeyDrAndy
It's #POMaggedon at #TheSPAW! Isn't she #cute in her #doggles while she gets her #klaser therapy? #lasertherapy #caninerehabilitation #caninerehab #K9Rehab #caninefitness #coldlaser #pomeranian #pomeraniansofinstagram #pomeraniansofinsta #pomeraniansofig #pomlife
Sometimes we have a little bit (a lot!) of FUN at #TheSPAW? Brystol of @brystolandbrinkly enjoying our new #horseshoe #dogtoy in our #underwatertreadmill. She likes to #keepfitandhavefun while recovering from her bilateral #TPLO #surgery. #postoprehab #K9Rehab #caninerehabilitation #caninerehab #caninefitness #hydrotherapy #doghydrotherapy #aldergrovevet #WeLoveOurPatients #WeCareBecauseYouDo #APRVT #vetrehabtechs #VetRehabGirl #vettechlife @ The SPAW, Pet Rehabilitation and Fitness Centre
Pick your #favourite :P #dogsincoats #gettingfoxy or #horsinaround? #dogbeds #klaser #massagetherapy #TheSPAW #WeCareBecauseYouDo #WeLoveOurPatients @ The SPAW, Pet Rehabilitation and Fitness Centre
What do Jenn and Abby and The #DouglasCollege #veterinarytechnology students do at #TheSPAW during #lunch break? We read what #DrLane of #pointseastwestvetservices in #Squamish has to say about #regenerativemedicine in #westcoastveterinarian #magazine #continuingeducation #learning #vettech #veterinarytechnician #vetnurse #veterinarynurse #vetnerds #vetgeeks #VetRehabGirl #APRVT #vetrehabtechs #vettechlife #alwayslearning Points East West Veterinary Services