Enrealment Press is an authenticity-centered publishing house formed by Soulshaping author Jeff Brown. Formed by author Jeff Brown, Enrealment Press is a grass roots publishing house determined to bring grounded, heartfelt creations to the world. In the spirit of enrealment- a term Jeff created while writing his first book Soulshaping - EP is interested in books that invite an inclusive and authentic way of being. Birthed in Jeff’s own frustration with linear perspectives on consciousness, we are particularly interested in those books that integrate common sense with expansive possibility, that are inspired by the fire of sacred purpose, that invite deep healing and genuine resolution, and that bring humanity closer to each other.
With this intention in mind, we are open to creations from a wide range of genres- fiction, non-fiction, consciousness studies, sustainable living, health and well being, and poetry. We are not interested in patriarchal perspective, works that celebrate radical forms of detachment as path, wishful thinking spiritualities, all-oneness models that bypass the value of purpose-driven self-hood. To put it simply, we don’t want to float away together- we want to earth and embody together. We want to bring work to the world that encourages us to know spirituality as reality- inclusively defined- and that invites us to be here, together, for all of it. Envision horizontal rather than vertical frameworks of possibility. Feeling God, not thinking God. We want to support the nourishment of humanity from the ground up. We want to honor the courage it takes to live a fully human life and to support a world where everyone is seen in their uniquely incandescent light.
It is our intention to bring this heartfelt intentionality to our interactions with authors we work with. We are entirely open to looking at manuscripts whether you have an agent or not. We want to avoid many of the disappointments that authors face by being clear and direct with you on every level- personally and contractually- so there are no subsequent misunderstandings. EP is not motivated by an ungrounded interest in making money for the sake of accumulation. We are motivated by a genuine interest in making this world a better place, and that begins with integrity based relationships with those we create with. Not every man for himself, but every man for humanity.
“Enrealment – A way of being that is inclusive, authentic, and rooted in reality, broadly defined. An enrealed consciousness is one that shows up for all of it simultaneously- shadow and light, earth and sky, grocery list and sacred purpose. It is about living in all aspects of reality- no element of the human experience gets omitted or swept away.”
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facebook.comSpiritual Graffiti
For those of you who have been asking, our newest book- Spiritual Graffiti- is now available for e-book purchase at all the usual places (Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble etc...). Here is the Amazon link, where they have put it on sale at a lower price than usual..
Edge of Wonder: Notes From the Wildness of Being
Sharing a lovely review for Victoria Erickson's new book 'Edge of Wonder' on the Huffington Post. Victoria's book is the second poetry collection published by my Enrealment Press. In the reviewer's words... "Through the soft glow of my laptop, though, her words moved and inspired me. Slowly, over the course of four nights, I read the entire book. I drank it, actually, like a bottle of red wine from which you allow yourself one glass each evening until it is gone, and you notice that it keeps getting richer and more flavorful so when you come to the very last glass, you savor it."
Timeline Photos
An Uncommon Bond is on the rise, hitting #40 in spiritual/self-help on Amazon this morning! Rise, little book, rise! Interestingly, it is the best ranked relationship book in the genre, perhaps representing the beginning of a shift towards books that speak to relationship as a spiritual practice after many decades of books focused primarily on individual practice... An idea long buried by teachers focused on individual and vertical expansion- the idea that "We are not just here together to keep each other company. We are here together to show each other God. The portal is each other". And thank you for referring it to others. A book doesn't move that strongly without reader recommendation. The rise of the indie publishers is real!