Haven Yoga & Wellness
Haven Yoga and Wellness offers yoga, Registered Massage Therapy, Chiropractor, Ayurveda Massage, Certified Counselling and Art Therapy services. At Haven, we believe that through the practice of yoga we create healthier & happier lifestyles. With two studios, registered massage therapists, wellness massage practitioner, Chiropractor and Certified Counsellor on staff, we offer a wide variety of pre-registered and public classes, workshops for both students and continuing education for teachers.
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facebook.comHow we show up on our mat is often a reflection of how we show up in life. What if, in finding our true north we could self-reflect to find purpose, embrace our true highest self, break down barriers while being surrounded by like-minded people? ~ Come explore Wanderlust with Haven to #findyourtruenorth. ~ Get your tickets to #WanderlustWhistler & #WanderlustSquawValley on our FB Events Page ⬅️ & receive your special offer applied directly! ~ #wanderlustsquawvalley #wanderlustwhistler #wanderlust2018 #wanderlustfest #havenyoga #wanderlustdiscount #goodvibes #mindful
Do you have the calling to become a Yoga Teacher or want to explore the full spectrum of Yoga? Are you interested in signing up but are unsure if the 200hr RYT is right for you? Join Rebecca Marshall tomorrow, ease your mind, & get answers to any questions you might have. 200hr RYT Free Info Session, tomorrow at 6:30 pm! . . . . . #RegisteredYogaTeacher #ryt200 #fraservalleyryt #yogaalliance #YogaTeacherTraining #RYS200 #200hryogateachertraining #yogaTraining #havenyogaandwellness
I really regret going to yoga today… said no one ever! 😂 • Make a commitment to yourself this week, what classes are you going to? 👇 • #yogaabbotsford #havenyogaandwellness #yogaeverydamnday #yogaschedule #yoga #abbotsfordyoga #yogaclasses #yogaclassesschedule
Being Present // Have you ever done something on autopilot? With the chaos of life & all the stimulants around, it's pretty easy for our minds to want to log off & take a break. This is a sure sign to take a step back, connect within & be present. • Take a simple breath, pay attention to that breath the inhale, the exhale, the sensation. Maybe try touching your fingertips starting at the pinky, one finger at a time simultaneously & feel the sensation. Acknowledge your mind wondering off your focus & smile as you go back to the sensation, that focused thought. How does it feel? . . . . #autopilot #present #conscious #meditate #yoga #reflection #connection #abbotsfordyoga #breathe #mudra
Prenatal Yoga prepares your body for birth & beyond by building strength & openness in your body that will facilitate your pregnancy, childbirth, & postpartum periods. Many of us go to yoga to help balance our bodies – and it’s the same when you’re pregnant. • Beginners welcome. Sign up today! Classes begin this Wednesday at 6 pm. Visit our website to sign up! • Note: When you’re pregnant, you can still take your regular yoga classes, but know that you will need to modify some poses: twists, core work, prone positions (laying on your belly), etc. It is important that even before you begin to show. Tell your teacher so that they can instruct you on how to modify during class. . . . . #saftyfirst #prenatalyoga #safespace #prenatalabbotsford #havenyogaandwellness #postpartum #abbotsfordyoga
What you seek is seeking you. -Rumi #bts from our Restorative Level 1 Teachers Training this evening. Pure Joy 🙌💗✨ . . . . #yogateacherstraining #yoga #joy #restorativeyoga #havenyogaandwellness #restorativett #rumiquotes
GONG MEDITATION 🙌 // How do gongs heal? The sound of the gong has been known to wash away worries, concerns, and obstacles that stand in our way, resulting in increased clarity and creativity. These vibrational overtones induce emotional stress release, chakra alignment, energy clearing, balancing and spontaneous healing. This harmonic attunement for your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being can be achieved in a group gong bath healing circle or a private shamanic sound healing session, as well as a house cleansing and blessing ceremony. -Harmony of the Spheres. • Tonight at 6:30pm --> Sign up via 🔗: http://www.havenyogaandwellness.com/workshops-1/
A gentle reminder for Friday's Restorative Level 1 Teacher Training: • Please bring to class each day your required props: Sticky mat, eye bag, bolster, five firm blankets, two yoga blocks, one yoga belt (6–foot). There is a Prop Package Available for any new add on's, please contact the studio for ordering details. • Required Reading: Relax and Renew: Restful Yoga for Stressful Times by Judith Hanson Lasater & Restorative Yoga with Assists by Sue Flamm (Puja). • Friday, March 16 6:00-9:00pm Saturday/ Sunday, Mar. 17/18 10:00am-5:00pm Friday, Mar. 23 6:00-9:00pm Saturday/Sunday, Mar. 24/25 10:00am-5:00pm (times are subject to change) . . . #Restore #AbbotsfordYoga #FraserValleyYoga #YogaTeacherTraining #TeacherTraining #Yoga #MissionYoga #ChilliwackYoga #YogaProps #YogaBooks #havenyoga
Are you curious about what Rebecca's 200hr RYT Teacher Training is like? Then you should come to this *FREE* info session! Join us in the studio to meet with members of our teaching team, learn details about the 200hr RYT training, and ask any questions. Join Rebecca on Tuesday, March 20 at 6:30pm. No need to sign up, just show up! . . . . . #yogateachertraining #yoga #yogateacher #ytt #yogainstructor #yogateachers #yogaschool #yogateachertrainingcourse #havenyogaandwellness #abbotsfordyoga #missionyoga #chilliwackyoga #fraservalleyyoga
What is your favorite heart opener? • Explore powerful ways to open the front body while stretching your shoulder muscles and strengthening your core. • Join Noreen for Hatha tomorrow at 10am💕 . . . . #heartopener #abbotsfordyoga #hatha #yoga #yogateacher #hathayoga #vinyasa #yoga
“A person does not hear sound only through the ears, he hears sound through every pore of his body.” -Hazrat Inayat Khan ~ Paul finds the sound of the gong to be like hearing the vibration of the Universe. Uni being one and verse being a string of feelings expressed together with the one true feeling. ~ Join the sacred sound of the Gong this Friday at 6:30pm. Sign up today! 🔗 in BELOW for tix 👇 . . . #Gong #vibrationalenergy #energy #chakras #gongbath #energy #Gongmeditation #sound #goodvibrations #release #letgo #clearing #emotionalgrowth #universe #uni #yoga #meditate #Vibration #feel #sacred #gongevent #Yogaevent #havenlove #abbotsfordyoga #abbotsfordevents #nightout #soul #havenyogaandwellness #wellness #selfcare #vulnerability #compassion
They're here! 1-Day & Music tickets to Wanderlust Squaw Valley & Whistler 2018!! Get your tickets to Wanderlust on our FB Events page ⬅️ & receive a special offer applied directly! 🙌 #findyourtruenorth #wanderlust2018 #wanderlustsquawvalley #wanderlustwhistler #havenyoga #wanderluststudiopartner https://youtu.be/RXQMNfMj14o