Rampaffairz Skatepark is located at the exact same spot of the famous ZumieZ skatepark. We are not taking over ZumieZ though. We are reopening the skatepark which got abandoned after Zumiez went bankrupt in february 2013. There is no affiliation whatsoever with the old management, although many things will remind you of the old ZumieZ skatepark. We will try in bringing back that feeling loved and shared by so many of you. A special thanks goes out to, RED BULL Belgium, friends and family and all of you for the support and patience.
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facebook.comOpen today 15/08!
#Repost @spottampa ・・・ Damn Amsterdam Qualifiers results are live at ✔️ The level of skating out here is unreal. Check the footage: @kilianzehnder @simondeprez @aureliengiraud @gringomartins @timdebauche @hcorbin77 🎥 @timmkoster 🔌 #DamnAm @noord.ams @nikesb @santacruzskateboards @independenttrucks @bronsonspeedco @mobgrip @ojwheels @dakine_skate @transworldskate @SPoTTampa @redbullskate @sls @boardsforbros @ridechannel #DamnAmAmsterdam #GoNoord
José's pics on the volcom website.
Thank you all for the great party. We had a blast. @axelcrusher #proparty Special thanks to @volcomskate for the bbq and beers @toymachine @spitfirewheels
Tomorrow @axelcrusher 's pro party. Music by @weyne_djohnwayne @gerald_crisscross @gallewesley. Free beers and bbq by @volcomskate. @spitfirewheels Guest riders @toymachine decks will be availlable in limited quantities.
Join us on the 26th of July, Axel's pro party, skateboarding, bbq, beers, music
Here's what happens when you invite the cream of the Belgian skatescene on a sunday afternoon for a couple of best tricks. Big up Moose Productions
Enjoy one more time, Nick Steenbekes video that made him win the RampaRampage 2017 award
Congrats 🏆 @steenbekenick 🏆 #ramparampage Winner 2017!!! Thumbs up @moose_productions 👍🏾👍🏾