God's Word for God's people in God's time! :) Bilingual Church - English and Dutch
Tweetalige Kerk - Engels en Nederlands
Addres/Address: Parklaan 3 - 2300 Turnhout, België
ATTENTION: Adress: Parklaan 3 is found on the intersection of Parklaan with Steenweg op Gierle (right across Pelckmans). It is on top of E5 mode (the entrance can be found by the blue door on the right side of E5 mode; the stairs will lead you upstairs).
LET OP: Adres: Parklaan 3 bevindt zich op de kruising van Parklaan met Steenweg op Gierle (tegenover Pelckmans)Boven E5 mode (straatzijde parklaan trap omhoog).
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facebook.comThe year 2017 is coming to an end, but before we enter a new year, we would like to take time to thank everyone who has been part of our year. Thank you to those who stood by us through the highs and lows; we have really found a family in you! Thank you to those who continuously support and love us, in spite of the distance; we are one with you in the spirit and we always have you in our hearts and prayers. We are thankful for everything we have been through this year: as a church, as family, as a friend, as a brother/sister in Christ or as an individual. 2017 has taught us a lot of things, but the most of all, it is to love without any conditions, to be understanding even when we weren’t understood, to be patient and to have faith when time is being a giant pressure, to trust in God even when the natural seems impossible, to keep seeing the good in people even though it’s tempting to focus on the negative, and most of all, to love and show Christ’s love to the world, because He first loved us. Above anything else, we want to thank the Lord for His unfailing love and faithfulness to the church and to everyone of us. He has been and strength, our provider, our friend, our Father, our God. So thank You, Lord, for Your goodness. Thank You for reminding us today of Your promises and that in You, it’s only Yes and Amen! Thank You because Your words never fail and it will never come back to you empty. Thank You for encouraging us through Your prophetic words and thank You for giving us hope because You have a good future for us! We are Open Heavens Ministries and we are thankful to a lot of people and to the Lord! We are excited for what 2018 has in store! We are stepping in this year full of faith and hope! What are you thankful for this year and what are God’s promises in Your life that you look forward to in 2018? God bless you all and may you have the best year yet of your life in 2018! Happy New Year! 🎉
Merry Christmas to all our friends around the world! Joy to the world, the Savior is born! We rejoice in His coming and celebrate His goodness in redeeming us from sin and death! The power of sin is broken and we are free! Jesus paid the price for us to restore us to God’s original plan and purpose in the earth: His will for all of us is to bring heaven on earth! Let us celebrate Christmas knowing that we are seated with Christ, blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavens, and called to bring heaven to the earth. We have received dominion, authority to rule and reign over all circumstances and distractions! We have power to demonstrate the goodness of God in healing, deliverance, signs and wonders! Let us truly be the children of God believing the Good News of the Gospel. Joy, hope and peace to the world! That is our commission and we are to bring it in our lives, in our communities, in our surroundings, in our countries and in the entire world! God bless you all in it! . . . . (NL) Vrolijk Kerstfeest aan al onze vrienden rond de wereld! Blijdschap aan de wereld, de Heiland is geboren! We verheugen ons in Zijn komst en vieren Zijn goedheid waarmee Hij ons verlost heeft van zonde en dood! De macht van de zonde is gebroken en we zijn vrij! Jezus betaalde de prijs om ons te herstellen naar Gods oorspronkelijk plan en doel op aarde: Zijn wil voor ons allen is dat wij de hemel op aarde brengen! Laten wij Kerstfeest vieren wetende dat wij gezeten zijn met Christus, gezegend met alle geestelijke zegeningen in the hemelen en geroepen om de hemel naar de aarde te brengen. We hebben heerschappij gekregen, autoriteit om te heersen en te regeren over alle omstandigheden en afleidingen! We hebben kracht om de goedheid van God te demonstreren in genezingen, bevrijdingen, tekenen en wonderen! Laat ons echt de kinderen van God zijn die het Goede Nieuws van het Evangelie geloven. Blijdschap, hoop en vrede voor de wereld! Dat is onze opdracht en wij moeten het brengen in ons leven, in onze omgeving, in onze landen en in de gehele wereld! Moge God U daartoe zegenen!
Wees voorzichtig onderweg. Hou het afstand en wees hoffelijk onderweg. Alle begrip voor hen die er niet kunnen zijn vandaag. Gezegende week voor iedereen!
Check out our upcoming conference of Growing in the Prophetic on December 16, 2017 at 18:30u! A very interesting subject about The spirit of divination or the Spirit of God: Under which influence are you operating? Hope to see you there! God bless you!
“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” (Galatians 6: 9) // “En laten wij niet moe worden goed te doen, want te zijner tijd zullen wij oogsten, als wij het niet opgeven.” (Galaten 6: 9)
“Het niveau van verzoeking dat je kan weerstaan bepaalt het niveau van jouw autoriteit. Je zal nooit verzocht worden boven jouw vermogen. Want met de verzoeking die de duivel geeft, zal God de nodige kracht geven om het te kunnen overwinnen.” - Apostle Leo Maat
Uw goedertierenheid is immers beter dan het leven; daarom zullen mijn lippen U prijzen. (Psalm 63: 4)
Wij kunnen onze acties niet laten bepalen door angst.
I'm not lucky, I'm loved! #songoftheday
Daarom zult u de HEERE, uw God, liefhebben met heel uw hart, met heel uw ziel en met heel uw kracht. (Deuteronomium 6: 5)
Het is niet omdat je iets niet kan zien dat het daar niet is. #faith
Want de aarde zal vol worden met de kennis van de heerlijkheid van de HEERE, zoals het water de bodem van de zee bedekt. (Habakkuk 2: 14)
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and to the dads who also stood as moms. ❤️ You guys are flowers in our life! We appreciate everything you've done for us. Today and everyday we hope to make you feel how much we love you! 💐

“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12)

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Philippians 2:3-4 NIV)

We celebrated Christ's resurrection today. We are very thankful to have known and experience this power of the Gospel. Because of His resurrection, we are freed from sin, we are restored to our original position, we are given the authority to rule over the enemy, we received power over death, we have power to perform signs and miracles and much more! Now our mission is to show the power of Jesus' resurrection to the world so that everyone will know Him and the power of His resurrection! Today and everyday, we choose to celebrate because Christ is alive! Happy Easter! #EasterSundayAtOHM #ChristIsRisen #Hallelujah

Celebrating Jesus' resurrection! He has conquered death and He has won the victory! Yes, we are free indeed! Hallelujah to the King! 👏🏼 Blessed Easter! 💕#eastersunday@ohm

Easter Youth Games 🙌🏼 It's always fun @ Chosen #balloonparty

Onze gastspreker vandaag, Apostel Oswald Hart, heeft gesproken over geloof hebben in God en dat God een ieder van ons op het oog heeft en ons wil zegenen ongeacht wie wij zijn. Belangrijk in de maatschappij of misschien juist heel onopvallend, God maakt geen onderscheid: Hij wil iedereen zegenen en Hij wil Zijn koninkrijk bouwen met jou! #activateyourfaith

"God zoekt altijd naar een weg om jou te verhogen." - Irene Maat #ohmpreachings

We want to invite you this coming Saturday to join us in our first Worship Night of the year! After all that God has done and is still doing, He only deserves to be worshipped and adored! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! #worshipnight

"It's a new season. It's a new day. Fresh anointing is coming your way! It's a season of power and prosperity. It's a new season and it's coming to you!" We want to greet everyone a happy, blessed, and wonderful 2017! The Lord has done great and mighty things in us in 2016 and we know He will do even greater in 2017! We thank the Lord and praise Him to the highest for all He has done and will still do in our lives! Hosannah to the highest! Happy new year, everyone! :) #newseason #blessed2017 #greaterthingstobeexpected see Psalm 9:1

Come join us this Sunday and start your year with the some word of direction and guide from the Lord! Let us come in worship and thanksgiving for all that God has done and will do in the next coming year! We are excited and we expect more of God this 2017! ☺️ #propheticservice2017 #ohmnewyear #blessed #newseason
