Pizza, made with love from only the best ingredients. Selected with care by our chefs from local, seasonable and organic farms.
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facebook.comNa drie dagen inspiratie tussen veld en keuken zijn we er weer helemaal klaar voor. Met een vernieuwd recept voor onze Eat Love Pizza bodem, daar rijst vanaf nu 13 pils in. Nog krokanter, nog Gentser en wreed lekker! ❣️🍻🎈
We zien jullie graag vrijdag terug bij Eat Love Pizza en Lasagna, met een nieuwe frisse herfstwind... ❣️
Happy birthday to @afashiontaste 🎉🎉🎉 looks like you already have to perfect ingredients for a great evening 😍 Order your eat love pizza with @deliveroo_be ❣️🍕
Deze zondagavond 27/08 om 18u30 liederen van Shubert met soprane Claron Mc Fadden in onze zomerbar Eat Love Pic-Nic. Je kan ook inschrijven om er nadien te blijven eten. Biogroenten van boerderij De Kollebloem spelen de hoofdrol. 25€ en reserveren via:
We like it special, like this special burrata-salmon combo on our pizza Salmone, an all time favorite 😍 Thank you @vincentvn1 for the delicious looking picture ❣️🍕
We're open today! Perfect time to enjoy some great pizza 🎉Thanks for the picture @laurence.donis ❣️🍕
Even during these rainy days, we keep spreading the eat-love with a smile!! ❣️🍕
We can already smell the weekend!! (And it has delicious pizza 😍) 📸 @st_delarue , hope to see you again soon! ❣️🍕
Who is ready for some more of our homemade (Virgin) cocktails? Gorgeous 📸 by the best bartender in the world @antonio.nino.gatti 💕 ❣️🍕
That looks absoluters delicious, and like a perfect cure for our Gentse feesten hangover! Thanks @jenshaeck we hope you loved it! Keep spreading the eat love!!❣️🍕
Some comfortfood during these hard party times! 😜 photocredits to @freija.dhondt we hope you enjoyed it! ❣️🍕
We ❤️ minimalist interiors pic by @dixiemaisie ❣️🍕