Visible INK
For all sorts of info contact us!
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Hi visitor your visiting the visible ink page, my name is Pieter Pelgrims.
I draw, design and place custom tattoo s. Feel free to take a look. For
more info and questions contact me.Thanks for visiting my page & don't forget to like !
Beste bezoeker, je bezoekt de pagina van visible ink, mijn naam is Pieter Pelgrims.
Ik teken, ontwerps en plaats custom tattoo s. Neem gerust een kijkje en voor meer info
en vragen mag je me altijd contacteren. Bedankt voor je bezoekje aan mn pagina
en vergeet zeker niet te "liken" !
Pieter Pelgrims
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS #tigertattoo #face #facetattoo #woods #underarmtattoo #tattoo #tattoowork #tattoolife #worldfamousink #shading #visibleink
Small test for the new Xion Spektra machine ! Not bad at all love the machine ! #smalltattoo #tattoo #small #crown #S #tattoo #tattoos #tattoogirl #tattooed #tattooshop #xion #spektra #worldfamousink #killerink #killerinktattoo #killerinktattoosupplies Tnx again for the lovely Xion 🙏🏻 @killerinktattoo Make sure to follow TATTOOMED for al your tattoo healings @tattoomed_benelux 🔝
1st session of still a few to come 🙌🏻! Fresh ink unhealed! #skulls #skull #tattoo #instatattoo #visibleink #blackandgrey #project #tattooproject #askullthing #skulllover #💀
Ow Yeah 🔥🔥😍👌🏻 welkom to visibleINK V2.0 💀☠️🤛🏻 Tnx for the support & the 600likes peepz ! Bless 🙌🏻 #tattooshop #steenokkerzeel #1820 #tattoo #visibleink #tattoos #hardworkpaysoff #bloodsweatandtears
Flash back to this awsome skull 💀 #smoke #skull #tattoo #visibleink #blackandgrey 🖤
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Panda skull Sullen style 💀🐼🕸🖊✏️💯🇧🇪 #SULLEN #sullenart #sullenforlife #sullencollector #panda #snapback #skull #tattoo #tattoodesign #drawing #design #tattoowork #tattooart #tattoolife #tattoodrawing #tattooflash #tattooartist #tattooaddict #staedtler #bamboo #visibleink #ink #needles #tattooneedles #pp
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Rev gauge 💨💨 #rev #revgaug #tattoo #tattoos #tattooed #tattooart #tattooink #tattoowork #instatattoo #tattooer #tattooworld #nolimits #revlimit #visibleink #ripped #skinrip #racecar #becausracecar
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Skull candy, sullen style 💀🍭🍭🍬 #lollipop #lolli #skull #skullcandy #sullen #sullenart #tattooart #tattoo #tattoodrawing #tattoodesign #candy #lililickmylollipop #staedtler #staedtlerart #staedtlerpencils #staedtlerliner #BlackAndGrey #visibleink #sullentattoo #sullencollector #sullenforlife #sullentattooart #sullenfam #sullensupporter #sullenfanart
Duck skull bulb design available flash design. Pleas dont Steal ✍🏼🐣✏️🖍💡#duck #tattoo #tattoodesign #flash #flashdesign #tattoos #tattooart #tattoolife #tattooartist #tattoowork #tattooideas #tattooflash #instatattoo #tattoosketch #staedtler #staedtlerpencils #staedtlerart #pencil #pencilwork #liner #noripping #visibleink #skull #bulb #lightningbulb #duckskull
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👁✍🏼🌹🖌#illuminati #Triangle #Roses #blackandgrey #eye
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Lion head 🦁 ! I Loved doing this tattoo on a old friend from high school. Sam Vanachter