Since the foundation in 1928 of the “Compagnie Internationale de Gobeleterie Inébréchable® ”, Durobor® has always been, and never more so than today, committed to innovation, and has always held its own as a market leader in the glass industry.
Tell your friends
facebook.comCocktail du mois- Cocktail of the month-Cocktail van de maand
The opposite pour Heritage 2998/26- the opposite for Heritage 2998/26- the opposite voor Heritage 2998/26
Recette du mois- Recipe of the month- Recept van de maand
Mousse à la Chicorée pour Galleo 251/12- chicory mousse for Galleo 251/12- Cichoreimousse voor Galleo 251/12
Blend BXL
with Blend BXL !
Timeline Photos
Toute l'équipe de Durobor vous souhaite de merveilleuses fêtes - The whole Durobor team wishes you great end-year festivities- De hele Durobor ploeg wenst u zalige eindjaarsfesten
Photos from Durobor Group S.A.'s post
Durobor was present on the event @Blend Bruxelles as a proud sponsor!
Recette du mois - Recept van de maand- Recipe of the month
Ecrin de choix pour douceur hivernale pour le Gem 832/12 - Het uitgelezen glas voor een winterse zoetheid voor Gem 832/12 - A choice case for winter sweetness for Gem 832/12
Cocktail du mois - Cocktail van de maand- Cocktail of the month
Look parfait pour un cocktail old style avec Gem 832/12 - De perfecte look voor een old style cocktail voor Gem 832/12 - Perfect look for and old school cocktail for Gem 832/12
Get warm with our Barista 8795/34 and SBB GROUP
Timeline Photos
Proud of our Belgian Beer Culture! Let's enjoy it with the most suitable glasses by Durobor! Discover our range on
Beer culture in Belgium - intangible heritage - Culture Sector - UNESCO
Here we are! Belgian beer culture has been inscribed on the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of the UNESCO! As they say: " Making and appreciating beer is part of the living heritage of a range of communities throughout Belgium." No doubt that Durobor's knowledge in beer culture will help you choose the best glass you need for your tasting experience!
Zabou s'éclate en cuisine
Special Christmas log with the GEM 832/12 by #Zabou s'éclate en cuisine
Cocktail du mois - Cocktail of the month - Cocktail van de maand
Parfum d'épice pour Spumante 909/12 - Spice aroma for Spumante 909/12 - Geur van kruiden voor Spumante 909/12