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Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Community SHAPE Belgium

, Mons, Belgium
Religious Organization



Mary Queen of Peace English Speaking Catholic Community is located in SHAPE, Belgium.   Mass is at 0900 Sunday mornings. Jesus is at the center of our parish. His example of love and compassion guides us in all that we do. In teaching, praying, taking care of others, singing, worshipping, ushering, serving, and more—we simply are all about Jesus.


Ministers for Saturday Mar 3rd: The Mass is our youth Mass. Mass is at 1700 (5pm) and there is no Mass or CRE on Sunday. Ushers: Alex and Kalex Robledo, Tom Owen Lectors: Beckett Moser and Dillon Brewer Stations of the Cross: Stations are held every Friday of Lent at 1800 (6pm) in the Chapel. They are followed by a soup dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Each ministry has been assigned a date and ministry heads will be contacting their ministers for volunteers. The dates are as follows: Mar 2, Mar 9, Mar 16, Mar 23 Next Vigil Mass: April 7 and May 7. The vigil Mass is our youth Mass. Mass is at 1700 (5pm) and there is no Mass or CRE the following Sunday. If your youth is interested in helping with the Mass, please contact Laura Arias. Knights of Columbus: Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Community is excited to announce its intent to establish the SHAPE Council of the Knights of Columbus. If you would like further information about the Knights of Columbus or to express your interest in being a founding member of the SHAPE Council, please contact Robert Greiner at Daily Mass: Mass is held weekly on Monday at 0930, Thursday at 11:50 and 1st Friday of each month at 0930. CRE News: There is no CRE this weekend. Classes will resume Sunday March 11. CWOC News: Morning bible study meets at 0930 in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for Mass followed by the study. Evening Study meets Monday evenings at 5:30 in Bldg. 353 (Small building behind library/next to AFN). For more information on bible study, please contact Lauren Brewer. Men’s Bible Study: For more information, contact John Arias. Mass and Meal: If you are interested in preparing a lunch or for more information, contact Laura Arias. Rosary Warriors: Meets in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel each Friday at 0930 to pray the Rosary. Upcoming Events: 17 March: St Patrick’s Day Social at the Chapel. Adults Only. Onsite childcare will be provided. 24 Mar: Knights of Columbus SHAPE Council inauguration and 1st Degree Ceremony. Time TBD 24 Mar: 1st Communion Retreat As we get closer to the spring/summer, many of our families leave due to assignment changes. If you are leaving us soon, please let us know! Contact Chrissy McLaughlin.

Ministers for Sunday Feb 25th: Ushers: Tim Moser and Jolene DuBose Lectors: Angel Acosta and Helen Barsby Confirmation Dates: 20 Feb: Confirmation Rehearsal at 1600 21 Feb: Confirmation at 1600 Stations of the Cross: Stations are held every Friday of Lent at 1800 (6pm) in the Chapel. They are followed by a soup dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Each ministry has been assigned a date and ministry heads will be contacting their ministers for volunteers. The dates are as follows: Feb 23, Mar 2, Mar 9, Mar 16, Mar 23 Next Vigil Mass: March 3 and April 7. The vigil Mass is our youth Mass. Mass is at 1700 (5pm) and there is no Mass or CRE the following Sunday. If your youth is interested in helping with the Mass, please contact Laura Arias. Knights Of Columbus: Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Community is excited to announce its intent to establish the SHAPE Council of the Knights of Columbus. We invite all males in the Parish who are over 18 to find out more and consider joining this Fraternal Brotherhood dedicated to the principles of CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, AND PATRIOTISM. A brief information and sign-up opportunity will be held after the 9 am Mass on Sunday, February 25th. Please stay and join us for coffee and fellowship. If you would like further information about the Knights of Columbus or to express your interest in being a founding member of the SHAPE Council, please contact Robert Greiner at Daily Mass: Mass is held weekly on Monday at 0930, Thursday at 11:50 and 1st Friday of each month at 0930. Chaplain’s Office Closed: 26 Feb CRE News: CRE will resume on this Sunday. CWOC News: Morning bible study meets at 0930 in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for Mass followed by the study. Evening Study meets Monday evenings at 5:30 in Bldg. 353 (Small building behind library/next to AFN). For more information on bible study, please contact Lauren Brewer. Men’s Bible Study: For more information, contact John Arias. Mass and Meal: If you are interested in preparing a lunch or for more information, contact Laura Arias. Rosary Warriors: Meets in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel each Friday at 0930 to pray the Rosary. Warriors to Lourdes: All members of the parish are invited to apply to attend the 60th Annual Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage, co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of the Military Services and the Knights of Columbus. Eligible warriors and their caregivers can apply to attend with all costs borne by the Knights of Columbus; companions and volunteers are welcome to apply and pay $600 / Double Occupancy or $800 / single occupancy to attend with the AMS Pilgrims. These costs include lodging, all meals, and PMI credentials. The dates are May 15-22, and the location is Lourdes, France. For more information, visit As we get closer to the spring/summer, many of our families leave due to assignment changes. If you are leaving us soon, please let us know! Contact Chrissy McLaughlin. Upcoming Events: 17 March: St Patrick’s Day Social at the Chapel 24 Mar: Knights of Columbus SHAPE Council inauguration and 1st Degree Ceremony. Time TBD 24 Mar: 1st Communion Retreat

Ministers for Sunday Feb 11th: Ushers: Angel Acosta and John Arias Lectors: Phillipe Laubriere and Lorayne Johansen Sunday Feb 18th Ushers: Adam Barsby and Joe Zimmerman Lectors: Kari Robeldo and Jeremy Glauber Important dates for Lent: 14 Feb: Ash Wednesday. Mass time at 1130 in Chapel. 16 Feb: Stations of the Cross begin. Stations of the Cross: Stations are held every Friday of Lent at 1800 (6pm) in the Chapel. They are followed by a soup dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Each ministry has been assigned a date and ministry heads will be contacting their ministers for volunteers. The dates are as follows: Feb 16, Feb 23, Mar 2, Mar 9, Mar 16, Mar 23 Next Vigil Mass: March 3 and April 7. The vigil Mass is our youth Mass. Mass is at 1700 (5pm) and there is no Mass or CRE the following Sunday. If your youth is interested in helping with the Mass, please contact Laura Arias. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Community is excited to announce its intent to establish the SHAPE Council of the Knights of Columbus. We invite all males in the Parish who are over 18 to find out more and consider joining this Fraternal Brotherhood dedicated to the principles of CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, AND PATRIOTISM. A brief information and sign-up opportunity will be held after the 9 am Mass on Sunday, February 25th. Please stay and join us for coffee and fellowship. If you would like further information about the Knights of Columbus or to express your interest in being a founding member of the SHAPE Council, please contact Robert Greiner at Daily Mass: Mass is held weekly on Monday at 0930, Thursday at 11:50 and 1st Friday of each month at 0930. Chaplain’s Office Closed: 16 – 19 Feb, 26 Feb CRE News: No CRE this weekend. CRE will resume on Feb 18th. CWOC News: There will be no Bible study on Feb 12th. Morning bible study meets at 0930 in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for Mass followed by the study. Evening Study meets Monday evenings at 5:30 in Bldg. 353 (Small building behind library/next to AFN). For more information on bible study, please contact Lauren Brewer. Men’s Bible Study: For more information, contact John Arias. Mass and Meal: If you are interested in preparing a lunch or for more information, contact Laura Arias. Rosary Warriors: Meets in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel each Friday at 0930 to pray the Rosary. Warriors to Lourdes: All members of the parish are invited to apply to attend the 60th Annual Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage, co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of the Military Services and the Knights of Columbus. Eligible warriors and their caregivers can apply to attend with all costs borne by the Knights of Columbus; companions and volunteers are welcome to apply and pay $600 / Double Occupancy or $800 / single occupancy to attend with the AMS Pilgrims. These costs include lodging, all meals, and PMI credentials. The dates are May 15-22, and the location is Lourdes, France. For more information, visit As we get closer to the spring/summer, many of our families leave due to assignment changes. If you are leaving us soon, please let us know! Contact Chrissy McLaughlin. Upcoming Events: 20 Feb: Confirmation Rehearsal 21 Feb: Confirmation 25 Feb: Knights of Columbus Info Session. Immediately following 9 am mass. 24 Mar: Knights of Columbus SHAPE Council inauguration and 1st Degree Ceremony. Time TBD

Ministers for SATURDAY Feb 3rd: Please note Mass is on SAT at 1700. No Mass or CRE on Sunday Feb 4. Ushers: Breck Brewer and Charlie Flores Lectors: Lucy Bartholomew and Wes Phelan Feb 3 Vigil Mass is the Scout Mass. Scouts will be participating in the Mass and wearing their uniforms. All international scouts are welcome to participate by either wearing their uniforms or if they would like to participate in the Mass with the US scouts. For more information, please contact Marco Ciliberti. Next Vigil Mass: March 3 and April 7. The vigil Mass is our youth Mass. Mass is at 1700 (5pm) and there is no Mass or CRE the following Sunday. If your youth is interested in helping with the Mass, please contact Laura Arias. Altar Servers: It has also been requested that we have a review session for the Altar Servers. Father PJ has set aside time on January 30th, 31st, and February 6th, at 4pm to have these review sessions, they should not last longer than 30 minutes. We would like to provide smaller groups so that everyone has a chance to participate and ask any questions that they may have regarding the different Altar Server roles. Please contact Lauren Brewer for more information. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: In 1882 a young priest named Father Michael McGivney gathered a small group of Catholic laymen together in the basement of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn. That group formed a fraternal benefit society to provide aid and insurance for the widows of its community while offering fellowship among Catholic men. From these humble origins, the Knights of Columbus has grown into a fraternal order with more than 1.9 million members located in over 15,000 councils throughout the world. Each year, members of the organization donate more than 75 million volunteer hours and over $177.5 million to charitable and Church causes. More information can be found at Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Community is excited to announce its intent to establish the SHAPE Council of the Knights of Columbus. We invite all males in the Parish who are over 18 to find out more and consider joining this Fraternal Brotherhood dedicated to the principles of CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, AND PATRIOTISM. A brief information and sign-up opportunity will be held after the 9 am Mass on Sunday, February 25th. Please stay and join us for coffee and fellowship. If you would like further information about the Knights of Columbus or to express your interest in being a founding member of the SHAPE Council, please contact Robert Greiner at Daily Mass: Mass is held weekly on Monday at 0930, Thursday at 11:50 and 1st Friday of each month at 0930. Stations of the Cross: Stations are held every Friday of Lent at 1800 (6pm) in the Chapel. They are followed by a soup dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Each ministry has been assigned a date and ministry heads will be contacting their ministers for volunteers. The dates are as follows: Feb 16, Feb 23, Mar 2, Mar 9, Mar 16, Mar 23 Chaplain’s Office Closed: 16 – 19 Feb, 26 Feb CRE News: No CRE this weekend. There will also be no CRE Feb 11th due to the ski week holiday. CRE will resume on Feb 18th. CWOC News: There will be no Bible study on Feb 12th. Morning bible study meets at 0930 in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for Mass followed by the study. Evening Study meets Monday evenings at 5:30 in Bldg. 353 (Small building behind library/next to AFN). For more information on bible study, please contact Lauren Brewer. Men’s Bible Study: For more information, contact John Arias. Mass and Meal: If you are interested in preparing a lunch or for more information, contact Laura Arias. Rosary Warriors: Meets in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel each Friday at 0930 to pray the Rosary. Warriors to Lourdes: All members of the parish are invited to apply to attend the 60th Annual Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage, co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of the Military Services and the Knights of Columbus. Eligible warriors and their caregivers can apply to attend with all costs borne by the Knights of Columbus; companions and volunteers are welcome to apply and pay $600 / Double Occupancy or $800 / single occupancy to attend with the AMS Pilgrims. These costs include lodging, all meals, and PMI credentials. The dates are May 15-22, and the location is Lourdes, France. For more information, visit As we get closer to the spring/summer, many of our families leave due to assignment changes. If you are leaving us soon, please let us know! Contact Chrissy McLaughlin. Upcoming Events: 14 Feb: Ash Wednesday. Mass time to be announced. 16 Feb: Stations of the Cross begin. Stations will be held every Friday during Lent at 1800 (6pm). 20 Feb: Confirmation Rehearsal 21 Feb: Confirmation 25 Feb: Knights of Columbus Info Session. Immediately following 9 am mass. 24 Mar: Knights of Columbus SHAPE Council inauguration and 1st Degree Ceremony. Time TBD

MQoP Updates and Events Jan 23, 2018: Ministers for Sunday Jan 28th: Ushers: Mike McLaughlin and Alex Robledo Lectors: Christine Bartholomew and Justin Cobb Feb 3 Vigil Mass is the Scout Mass. Scouts will be participating in the Mass and wearing their uniforms. All international scouts are welcome to participate by either wearing their uniforms or if they would like to participate in the Mass with the US scouts. For more information, please contact Marco Ciliberti. Next Vigil Mass: Feb 3 and March 3. The vigil Mass is our youth Mass. Mass is at 1700 (5pm) and there is no Mass or CRE the following Sunday. If your youth is interested in helping with the Mass, please contact Laura Arias. Daily Mass: Mass is held weekly on Monday at 0930, Thursday at 11:50 and 1st Friday of each month at 0930. Stations of the Cross: Stations are held every Friday of Lent at 1800 (6pm) in the Chapel. They are followed by a soup dinner in the Fellowship Hall. If your family or group is interested in hosting a Stations, please see the attached for details and to choose a date. The dates are as follows: Feb 16, Feb 23, Mar 2, Mar 9, Mar 16, Mar 23 Chaplain’s Office Closed: 16 – 19 Feb, 26 Feb CRE News: Classes have resumed from the Christmas Break. There is no class on Vigil Mass weekends. CWOC News: Morning bible study meets at 0930 in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for Mass followed by the study. Evening Study meets Monday evenings at 5:30 in Bldg. 353 (Small building behind library/next to AFN). For more information on bible study, please contact Lauren Brewer. Men’s Bible Study: For more information, contact John Arias. Mass and Meal: If you are interested in preparing a lunch or for more information, contact Laura Arias. Rosary Warriors: Meets in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel each Friday at 0930 to pray the Rosary. Warriors to Lourdes: All members of the parish are invited to apply to attend the 60th Annual Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage, co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of the Military Services and the Knights of Columbus. Eligible warriors and their caregivers can apply to attend with all costs borne by the Knights of Columbus; companions and volunteers are welcome to apply and pay $600 / Double Occupancy or $800 / single occupancy to attend with the AMS Pilgrims. These costs include lodging, all meals, and PMI credentials. The dates are May 15-22, and the location is Lourdes, France. For more information, visit Upcoming Events: 14 Feb: Ash Wednesday. Mass time to be announced. 16 Feb: Stations of the Cross begin. Stations will be held every Friday during Lent at 1800 (6pm). 20 Feb: Confirmation Rehearsal 21 Feb: Confirmation

Ministers for Sunday Jan 14th: Ushers: Tim Moser and Charlie Flores Lectors: Candice Flores and Jeremy Glauber Next Vigil Mass: Feb 3 and March 3. The vigil Mass is our youth Mass. Mass is at 1700 (5pm) and there is no Mass or CRE the following Sunday. If your youth is interested in helping with the Mass, please contact Laura Arias. Daily Mass: Mass will resume in on Monday 8 Jan at 0930. Mass is held weekly on Monday at 0930, Thursday at 11:50 and 1st Friday of each month at 0930. Chaplain’s Office Closed: 12 – 15 Jan, 16 – 19 Feb, 26 Feb CRE News: Classes resume this weekend (Jan 14th). CWOC News: Morning bible study will not meet on 15 Jan due to the holiday. It will resume on the 22nd. Men’s Bible Study: Will resume in Jan 2018. For more information, contact John Arias. Mass and Meal: If you are interested in preparing a lunch or for more information, contact Laura Arias. Rosary Warriors: Meets in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel each Friday at 0930 to pray the Rosary. Warriors to Lourdes: All members of the parish are invited to apply to attend the 60th Annual Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage, co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of the Military Services and the Knights of Columbus. Eligible warriors and their caregivers can apply to attend with all costs borne by the Knights of Columbus; companions and volunteers are welcome to apply and pay $600 / Double Occupancy or $800 / single occupancy to attend with the AMS Pilgrims. These costs include lodging, all meals, and PMI credentials. The dates are May 15-22, and the location is Lourdes, France. For more information, visit Upcoming Events: 14 Feb: Ash Wednesday. Mass time to be announced. 16 Feb: Stations of the Cross begin. Stations will be held every Friday during Lent at 1800 (6pm). 20 Feb: Confirmation Rehearsal 21 Feb: Confirmation

Weekly Update: Ministers for Saturday Jan 6th: Please note this is our vigil Youth Mass at 1700 (5pm) Sat evening. No Mass on Sunday. Ushers: Adam Barsby, Marco Ciliberti, and Kalex Robledo. Lectors: Dillion Brewer and Lucy Bartholomew Next Vigil Mass: Feb 3 and March 3. The vigil Mass is our youth Mass. Mass is at 1700 (5pm) and there is no Mass or CRE the following Sunday. If your youth is interested in helping with the Mass, please contact Laura Arias. Daily Mass: Mass will resume in on Monday 8 Jan at 0930. Mass is held weekly on Monday at 0930, Thursday at 11:50 and 1st Friday of each month at 0930. Chaplain’s Office Closed: 12 – 15 Jan, 16 – 19 Feb, 26 Feb CRE News: Classes will resume on Jan 14th. CWOC News: Bible study will resume on 8 Jan. For more information, contact Lauren Brewer. Men’s Bible Study: Will resume in Jan 2018. For more information, contact John Arias. Mass and Meal: Mass and Meal returns on 11 Jan. If you are interested in preparing a lunch or for more information, contact Laura Arias. Rosary Warriors: Meets in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel each Friday at 0930 to pray the Rosary. Resumes 12 Jan. Upcoming Events: 14 Feb: Ash Wednesday. Mass time to be announced. 16 Feb: Stations of the Cross begin. Stations will be held every Friday during Lent at 1800 (6pm). 20 Feb: Confirmation Rehearsal 21 Feb: Confirmation

Good morning!! Mass this weekend is at its regular scheduled time... 9am Sunday. Happy New Year!


NEAR Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Community SHAPE Belgium


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