Kustom Clothing & Apparel, vintage inspired outfits
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Beste klanten, Na jullie eventjes te hebben laten wachten op dit fantastische nieuws...Vanaf vandaag start onze TOTALE UITVERKOOP!! We verhuizen binnekort naar een nieuwe (en blijvende ;) ) locatie!! Daarom geven we op alle dames- en herenkledij kortingen t.e.m -50%. Dus slaag je slag want op = op !! Meer info over de locatie/ startdatum kan je binnekort op deze pagina vinden.
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Our empty cups of care standin' next to our peckers... Some pictures just don't need an explenation. Happy tuesday!
Born Free 5
Weekend! Beer time! Here's something to keep you going while we head to the bar.
Artwork for sale
By Mystic Al
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Back in store! The Rumble59 Flight Jacket is based on the classic American B10-Flight Jacket. The jacket is made from high-class, heavy canvas and has an olive-green colour. Its big, brown collar from teddy-bear cloth really looks great - even when its worn turned-up. A classic!
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On it's way to the store! Limited stock, order your size now!
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New products in stock! Nieuwe jassen, T-shirts, pommade, buckles,... Come check it out!
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Another week of cold weather! Come check out this awesome Dakota Jacket!
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Got the winter blues? We got just what the doctor ordered! Dr. Corvus Vital Set! This pack includes: the new "Schmiere"-Hairbalm a bitchin' stainless steel comb a box of peppermint pastilles. Now for sale at Kustom!