Debating Society KU Leuven KU Leuven Debating Society is a newly founded student organisation aimed at promoting oratory and debate at our University. By organising public debates we are bringing students and professor alike closer to engaging with contentious issues of the day in a constructive and respectful manner.
If you're interested in speaking at an upcoming debate hit us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
In any case, we kindly welcome you to come join our weekly debates as participating audience, for more info about the upcoming events please check out our Facebook page.
Looking forward to seeing you around. :)
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facebook.comTHBT British Voters Should Support Brexit
Dear debate enthusiasts! Yesterday we had a cool debate on Brexit. A new thing we tried was having the audience vote twice - once before and once after the debate. We are announcing that before the debate a large majority of the audience thought Brexit is a bad idea. However, although the majority maintained the belief until the end, the opposing side won by only one vote difference! Thus we salute both teams for having done a good job! Big thanks to Gilles Verstraeten for coming down from the EU Parliament to address the society and to the Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte - KU Leuven along with the NFK for helping us out organize the event. Stay tuned, pics are coming up soon! :)
Timeline Photos
ONE free spot in the Opposition team for tonight's debate! Send us a message, jump in and get on the podium at 7PM :-) Who's up for it?
Boris Johnson exclusive: There is only one way to get the change we want - vote to leave the EU
In anticipation of our Tuesday debate... Boris Johnson in support of #BREXIT RSVP:
Why I will be voting to stay in Europe
In anticipation of our Tuesday debate... William Hague against #BREXIT RSVP:
Timeline Photos
So, what's your thoughts on #BREXIT? Tuesday, March 15th is your chance to engage with the issue by attending our Society's 2nd public debate event of the semester. Come hear the speakers, ask questions, make up your mind and cast your vote! See you in Kardinaal Mercierzaal, at 7PM. RSVP:
HIW Debating Society's cover photo
We're thrilled to invite you to our 2nd public debate event! They get more and more controversial :-) RSVP at the link below:
Timeline Photos
Info Session tonight at 7pm in HIW 00.20. See you soon!
Disputatio Rising
In case you missed our last debate, make sure to check out this detailed recap of the event! See you this Wednesday, at our Info Session (7PM) in HIW1 00.20 :-)
Info Session For New Members
THBT British Voters Should Support Brexit!
Dear wonderful people of Leuven! We had an amazing debate yesterday, thank you all for coming! More than 70 of you have decided to hand in your ballot. The result? We're proud to announce that the house has decided that Germany's Open Door Migrant Policy was NOT a mistake! Congrats to the Opposition team! Big congrats to the Proposition team as well, it was very close. Be on the lookout for our next debate that we'll be hosting in two weeks. We're still deciding on the motion, but we're happy to hear your suggestions so hit us a message. Looking forward to hearing from you! We would also like to use this opportunity to publicly thank the philosophical society NFK for their generous assistance in organising the event. P.s.: Pics from the event will be uploaded soon, make sure to tag your friends. :)