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De Sense Center

Tirstraat 35, Kiel, Belgium
Non-profit organization



Health care awareness education
Motto: Upliftment and success.


Lotte Jeurissen - Benevita Challenge

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Study about the HIV Promotion test, Prevention of Malaria(for those that travel to Africa regions) and Female Genital Mutilation with the Institute of tropical Medicine Antwerpen. The Female Genital Mutilation was lectured by GAMS - Belgium (Group for the abolition of Female Genital Mutilation.

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What is Swab2Know? Swab2know is a novel HIV-prevention project that aims to facilitate the use of a free and anonymous HIV-test. Why test for HIV using an oral fluid sample? I thought HIV wasn’t transmitted through saliva? HIV is not transmitted through oral fluid / saliva. This test doesn’t detect HIV viruses in oral fluid. It detects antibodies in the saliva. These antibodies are produced by the immune system when the HIV virus is present in one’s blood.

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Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments Breast cancer is a kind of cancer that develops from breast cells. Breast cancer usually starts off in the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply them with milk. A malignant tumor can spread to other parts of the body. A breast cancer that started off in the lobules is known as lobular carcinoma, while one that developed from the ducts is called ductal carcinoma. The vast majority of breast cancer cases occur in females. This article focuses on breast cancer in women. We also have an article about male breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in females worldwide. It accounts for 16% of all female cancers and 22.9% of invasive cancers in women. 18.2% of all cancer deaths worldwide, including both males and females, are from breast cancer. Breast cancer rates are much higher in developed nations compared to developing ones. There are several reasons for this, with possibly life-expectancy being one of the key factors - breast cancer is more common in elderly women; women in the richest countries live much longer than those in the poorest nations. The different lifestyles and eating habits of females in rich and poor countries are also contributory factors, experts believe. According to the National Cancer Institute, 232,340 female breast cancers and 2,240 male breast cancers are being recorded each year, as well as about 39,620 deaths caused by the disease. Contents of this article: 1.Breast anatomy and breast cancer symptoms 2.Causes and diagnosis 3.Treatments and prevention 4.Latest research The anatomy of a female breast Breast anatomy normal scheme A mature human female's breast consists of fat, connective tissue and thousands of lobules - tiny glands which produce milk. The milk of a breastfeeding mother goes through tiny ducts (tubes) and is delivered through the nipple. The breast, like any other part of the body, consists of billions of microscopic cells. These cells multiply in an orderly fashion - new cells are made to replace the ones that died. In cancer, the cells multiply uncontrollably, and there are too many cells, progressively more and more than there should be. Cancer that begins in the lactiferous duct (milk duct), known as ductal carcinoma, is the most common type. Cancer that begins in the lobules, known as lobular carcinoma, is much less common. Symptoms of breast cancer A symptom is only felt by the patient, and is described to the doctor or nurse, such as a headache or pain. A sign is something the patient and others can detect, for example, a rash or swelling. The first symptoms of breast cancer are usually an area of thickened tissue in the woman's breast, or a lump. The majority of lumps are not cancerous; however, women should get them checked by a health care professional. Women who detect any of the following signs or symptoms should tell their doctor. ◾A lump in a breast ◾A pain in the armpits or breast that does not seem to be related to the woman's menstrual period ◾Pitting or redness of the skin of the breast; like the skin of an orange ◾A rash around (or on) one of the nipples ◾A swelling (lump) in one of the armpits ◾An area of thickened tissue in a breast ◾One of the nipples has a discharge; sometimes it may contain blood ◾The nipple changes in appearance; it may become sunken or inverted ◾The size or the shape of the breast changes ◾The nipple-skin or breast-skin may have started to peel, scale or flake. This explain the photo with numbers. 1. Chest wall. 2. Pectoralis muscles. 3. Lobules (glands that make milk). 4. Nipple surface. 5. Areola. 6. Lactiferous duct tube that carries milk to the nipple. 7. Fatty tissue. 8. Skin. This explain the photo without numbers Some of the possible early signs of breast cancer.

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Why is it important to breastfeed? Breastfeeding a baby exclusively for the first 6 months, and then continued breastfeeding in addition to appropriate solid foods until 12 months and beyond, has health benefits for both the mother and child. Importance of breastfeeding for mother Research shows that breastfeeding has significant health benefits for mothers. Breastfeeding •assists the uterus return to its pre-pregnant state faster •can help women to lose weight after baby’s birth •reduces the risk of ovarian cancer and pre-menopausal breast cancer •reduces the risk of osteoporosis •reduces the risk of mothers with gestational diabetes developing Type 2 diabetes. Importance of breastfeeding for baby Less illness Babies who are fed breast milk have a lower risk of : •gastro-intestinal (gut) illness •allergies •asthma •diabetes •obesity •some childhood cancers •respiratory tract (chest) infections •urinary tract infections •SIDS (cot death). Breastfed babies are less likely to be hospitalized. Perfect Food Breastmilk has important ingredients, that are not found in any infant formula, to build the baby’s immune system. Breastmilk changes from feed to feed to suit each baby’s unique needs, making it the perfect food to promote healthy growth and development. More easily digested Breastmilk is more easily digested than infant formula. Breastfed babies are rarely constipated and are less likely to get diarrhea. Environmentally friendly Breastmilk has no waste products and leaves no carbon footprint.

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WHAT IS CANCER ? Our body is made up of billions of cells. Normal healthy cells grow and multiply in an orderly, controlled manner. Cancer cells on the other hand multiply uncontrollably.They do not function normally and instead form a growth or tumour. These cancerous tumours can spread to nearby tissues and organs as well as to other parts of the body. Cancer kills by: *Destroying important organs *Disturbing normal body functions *Blocking important blood vessels or air passages. NOT ALL CANCERS ARE THE SAME Cancer is a group of diseases. There are many types of cancer which can arise from the different types of cells in the body. MOST COMMON TYPE OF CANCER ARE: Male a.Colorectal cancer b.Lung cancer c.Prostate cancer d.Liver cancer e.Nasopharyngial cancer (back of the nose) Female a.Breast cancer b.Colorectal cancer c.Lung cancer d.Ovarian cancer e.Endometrial cancer CANCER CAN BE PREVENTED Cancer is not contagious like the flu or chickenpox. You cannot catch cancer from someone who has it. Many cancers develop because of lifestyle habits such as smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol or eating too much fat (especially animal fat). Others are caused by factors in the environment such as sunlight, radiation and some industrial chemicals. By leading a healthy lifestyle and avoiding certain risk factors, about one-third of all cancers can be prevented from occurring.

The best way to breastfeed babies

The best way to breastfeed babies

Belgium: International center of medical excellence Belgium's health service is known for its easy accessibility and high-quality treatment. With four doctors per 1,000 inhabitants, Belgium is well above the OECD 2.9 average. Belgian hospitals are equipped with the most advanced technologies and run by highly qualified staff. With a large number of specialized centers and internationally renowned doctors they provide optimal care in the best conditions and have considerable capacity. Furthermore, various Belgian companies have become international players in the medical equipment and software sectors offering a wide range of innovative solutions. Belgium ranks in the top in Health in The Global Competitiveness Report published by the World Economic Forum : Nr.1 in 2010-2011 and Nr.2 in 2011-2012.

De Sense Center

We are doing a charity fundraising to support the deaf,blind,physical challenge,etc,in Edo State,Nigeria which is on of our project in Africa.We ask for your kind contribution in support of this project.Join us to make a change in there lives.Click on Help Us for your kind gift:

Desensecenter | Welcome

DE SENSE CENTER De Sense Center is een Nigeriaans-Belgische vereniging die culturele activiteiten en informatiesessies voor z’n leden en een ruimer publiek organiseert. Ze werken regelmatig samen met andere verenigingen voor het organiseren van verschillende activiteiten. Momenteel is de vereniging ook bezig met een project in Nigeria, waarbij een school voor mindervaliden wordt geholpen.

Benevita-programma voor een gezonde levensstijl Rep:7370551241


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