Itinerant platform dedicaced to indie publishing. independant bookshop
Théophile’s Papers is an indie & itinerant bookshop with permanent corners in Brussels and Paris. It provides a platform for the diffusion of independent publishing houses, fanzines, journals, magazines and other print material focussing on art, photography, typography and illustration. His pop-up installations are created in cooperation with designer Valerian Goalec.
adresses :
Théophile's Papers - Brussels
292, chaussée d'Alsemberg
1190 Forest
Théophile's Papers - Paris
work in progress
+32 494 546 031
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS"For memory of a Live Time", Adrien Vescovi solo show at Néon, Lyon. Until 20.01.2018 #adrienvescovi #chezneon #lyon
Last day for WIELS ART BOOK FAIR #wielsartbookfair #wiels #brussels #bruxelles
Buy my books for my additionnal mouth to feed. 📚💸🐧 #wielsartbookfair #wiels #brussels #artistbook 📷 : @casual_delfun
#wielsartbookfair #sebastienbonin #ronanlecreurer #joanayrton valeriangoalec #baptistecaccia #sebastiencapouet #
Sculptures by Ronan Le Creurer at LE BAL during Rolling Paper ! #lebal #lebalparis #rollingpaper #ronanlecreurer #theophilespapers
This afternoon at LE BAL, Rolling Paper- 13:00 - to20:00, launch of "le désir du phalangé" by Ronan LeCreurer and "slow melody time old" by Joan Ayrton. 16:30 : lectur by Joan Ayrton. #lebalparis #lebalbooks #rollingpaper #theophilespapers #joanayrton #ronanlecreurer #valeriangoalec #christianaschman #sebastiencapouet #alexisjacacob #baptistecaccia #marieangelletti #artistbook
Tonite book launch at @florenceloewy . slow melody time old, by Joan Ayrton. Design by @alexchavot
Multiple by Ronan Lecreurer launch at Rolling Pape, @le_bal #ronanlecreurer #lebal #rollingpaper
"Slow melody time old" new artist book by Joan Ayrton, published by Théophile's Papers and Florence Loewy. Launch 2.09 Florence Loewy Gallery, Paris #joanayrton #theophilespapers #florenceloewy #artistbook
Next show at Moulin de La Croix : summer 2018 #lemoulindelacroix #lesalpilles #provence #contemporaryart
"The office of gravitational documents #Neptune (Publication)", 2017, Dieudonné Cartier & Jean-Baptiste Carobolante at @florenceloewy until 29.07.2017. Curated by ☝🏼 And book furniture by ☝🏼 #dieudonnecartier #jeannaptistecarobolante #florenceloewy #artistbook #bookfurniture
"The space in between" by Christian Aschman is on CNA Luxembourg table at Cosmos Arles Books #cnaluxembourg #christianaschman #theophilespapers #cosmosarlesbooks #rip2017 #rencontresinternationalesdelaphotographie