ART & SPORT COACHING for Dancers, Athletes, Musicians, Artists and Students with CRISTINA UTA, Principal Dancer, Teacher, Choreographer, and Aura-Soma CRISTINA UTA -
Principal Dancer, Teacher, Choreographer at the Salzburg Ballett
Born and raised in Romania Cristina Uta graduated in 1993 the Romanian National Ballet
School in her home city, Bucharest. In the same year she joined the Romanian National Opera in Bucharest, becoming in a short time a principal dancer.
Other engagements fallowed with Cincinnati Ballet Company in U.S., Ballet de Santiago in Chile and European Youth Ballet.
Cristina Uta danced the principal roles in all the big classical ballets like Odette/ Odile in SWAN LAKE, PAQUITTA, Nikia / Gamzaty in LA BAYADERE, Lisa in LA FILLE MAL GARDEE, Kitri in DON QUIXOTE , GISELLE, RAYMONDA , NUTCRACKER and many others . She offered performances of outstanding technique and expression, as well in Neoclassical and modern choreographies from George Balanchine, Ricardo Nunez, Dietmar Seyffert, Val Caniparoli and Lode Devos.
From 2001 the talented, versatile and experienced dancer joined SALZBURG BALLET, being fascinated by PETER BREUER choreographies. Between 2003 and 2008 along with her dancing career, Cristina was assistant choreograph and ballet master at Salzburg Ballet. Peter Breuer created for her many ballets and great roles like: MIDSUMMER NIGHT DREAM – Titania, CARMEN – Carmen, LULU – Lulu, ANGELS, THE LEGEND OF JOSEPH – Lady Potiphar TCHAIKOVSKY – Nadeschda von Meek, ALCESTIS – Alcestis, THE TAMING OF THE SHREW –
Cristina Uta developed as well as teacher and choreographer and she is dancing and teaching training, point and repertoire for Salzburg Ballet, SIBA, EDAS in Cyprus, in Romania and Germany. Her work as choreographer includes ballet pieces for United Dance Company Paris, EDAS in Cyprus, Salzburg Ballet –Janis Joplin Pas de Deux and The Siegel, for opera and operetta in Russe Bulgaria and Vienna Austria and full evening ballets like Lady of the Camellias for National Opera Brasov in Romania and 7Curses, full evening dance theater for Romanian National Theater in Bucharest.
Cristina great experience and love for dance and art inspired her to create the ART & SPORT Coaching, a special empowering system meant to help dancers and artists to discover and develop personal abilities to support them in their professional career.
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