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Hey Hey It's Me - The Weight Management Book & Program

1 The Esplanade, Williamstown, Australia



This book, audiobook and therapists training program, will revolutionise the language used in the Weight Loss industry. This is a step by step book.


Body 2 Die For

As mentioned in Hey Hey It's Me! Exercise does not have to be hard nor do you have to leave to house. This video is a demonstration of some exercises without even leaving the chair

David Wolfe

David Wolfe

Cas Willow

At the moment on our Hey Hey Its Me! - No More Dieting website, you are able to grab the entire "Try and Hope" Chapter for FREE, plus the intro and a whole lot more. We have been talking to our marketing guru's and have been advised to change certain elements and that is what we are going to do. In the near future we will give you some quick tips etc instead and you will see elements of the website change. So... here is your chance.. if you haven't grabbed your copy of the chapter yet. Head over to the site now while the whole chapter is still there. Then if you want the quick tips too, just like this page, so when it has changed, you will see it on your Facebook feed and you will be able to go over and grab them too. www, #education via  #education via

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Do you find yourself "STUCK"? Do you find it challenging to break away from those patterns? If so, help is available. Ask you local "Hey Hey It's Me! - No More Dieting" Therapist to take you through the "Breaking Stuck Patterns" process.

Timeline Photos

Hey Hey It's Me! - No More Dieting - 2 Day Therapists Training Workshop

Cas Therapy

It is an honour to have "Hey Hey It's Me!" recognised internationally, as VGB & HHIM join forces.

Cas Therapy

Virtual Gastric Band & Hey Hey It's Me! - U.K. & Australia - Sheila Granger & Cas Willow combined to deliver to therapists the Advanced Weight Management System. Long awaited release this Sunday the 24th of April, 2016. Being Live Streamed from Australia to the U.K. and all places in between.

Cas Therapy

SHEILA GRANGER LIVE! Advanced VGB & Weight Management Practitioner Training

It is an honour and a privilege for Cas Willow to be joining with Sheila Granger to be delivering for the first time Advanced VGB & Weight Management Practitioner Training. Live in Melbourne and Streamed Live on the Internet. Coming in April - Click Below for Details

Exercise doesn't have to be hard or costly. And as we say dancing around the house is great this great range of exercises on the bed. There are more utilising the kitchen bench.

Cas Therapy

Hey Hey It's Me! is joining forces with Sheila Granger of Virtual Gastric Band fame to bring therapists the Advanced VGB.

Cas Therapy


NEAR Hey Hey It's Me - The Weight Management Book & Program