Jells parkrun
Jells parkrun is a free, timed, 5km run / walk put on by the community for the community at 8am every Saturday morning in Jells Park, Victoria. parkrun is not a race against other runners, but a 5km timed run, jog or walk. It can really be whatever you want it to be, whether that's for fun or as part of a training plan.
Jells parkrun offers an opportunity for all members of our local community, male or female, young or old, to come together on a regular basis to enjoy our beautiful Jells Park and get physically active in the process. We want to encourage people to walk, jog or run together irrespective of their ability – this event is truly open to all and best of all it really is FREE!
Taking part is easy – just register in advance by 6pm on the Friday before your first ever parkrun event. The great thing is that you only ever need to do this once! Then just set your alarm for Saturday morning and get yourself there!
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facebook.comJells parkrun #91 – 27 March 2017 | Jells parkrun
Four amazing leaps, 3 happy parkrunners and the most amazing 3 milestones... check out the run report! Also - what are your ideas for our 100th parkrun at Jells?? let us know how we should celebrate?
Timeline Photos
Jells parkrun Event #91
Timeline Photos
There's a great video about the life saving 'parkrun Chain of Survival'. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet! Jells parkrun is fortunate to have a defibrillator at the finish area, and our tail walker and marshall usually carry a mobile phone with the run director's number. As the video shows, the defib talks you through the process. It's easy, everyone can use it! :)
news | Jells parkrun
Whoa! Massive week - two 50th milestones, an amazing parkrunner of the month, parkrun gets its moment in parliament and there were a few leaps.... well actually... heaps of incredible leaps! Check it out - run report!
Timeline Photos
YAAASSSSSS!!! The squad is taking over Jells parkrun! Ceebs watching the grey hair vollies having zero chill? Then sign up for dat RN! Hashtag swag money! Amiright??! Don't worry if you're unsure what the above is supposed to mean, in that case it's not meant for you anyway. The kids will take over Jells parkrun again on 29 April 2017, when they'll organise the whole event for us. Currently we still need bar code scanners, a tail walker and a marshal. Email to secure a spot, positions are filling fast. And please remember that the children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian volunteer on the day.
Jells parkrun #90
Another perfect parkrun day
Jells #89 11 March 2017
Jells parkrun #88 – 4 March 2015 | Jells parkrun
Happy Monday evening! Enjoy the latest from the run report!
Jells #88 - 4th March 2017
Jells #88 - 4th March 2017
news | Jells parkrun
Such a hard run report - who to give 'leap of the week' to? It has taken me days to decide and we may still have an 'Oscar's moment'... so the nominees are.....