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Lighthouse Christian College West Campus

Lot 2/855 Aviation Road, Werribee South, Australia



Lighthouse Christian College is a private Christian school established in Keysborough 28 years ago with plans to open a west campus in the city of Wyndham.


Hi everyone. By now you may have heard that Wyndham City Council has accepted the recommendations of their Town Planners to refuse the application for a primary school at Lot 2, 855 Aviation Rd, Werribee South. In short, they have said NO, they do not want the school there. While 2 councillors (Cr Intaj Kahn and Cr Bob Fairclough) gave strong reasons to allow the school (and to rapturous applause from the 200 or more supporters present), the other councillors voted down the school. Those councillors who spoke opposing the school were allowed to do so in silence despite many of us disagreeing with what they said. Our supporters fully supported and respected the dignity of the council meeting. The rejection by Wyndham Council is very disappointing to say the very least. The council has effectively rejected the proposition that the school aims to protect and promote the Intense Agricultural Precinct (through the proposed agricultural studies curriculum, community garden space and community engagement) and provide quality education places for Christian families in Point Cook and Werribee South (more than 50% of the local community identify as Christians). They are saying that the loss of 1 in 1000 (0.1%) of the agricultural land in the district is more important than any attempts to protect and promote agriculture while meeting the education needs of the Wyndham community. The local context of the site lends itself extremely well to siting a school since it is on the edge of the agricultural precinct (just outside the urban growth boundary) with little direct farming activity nearby. Instead, there are some farm residences, uncultivated fields and some businesses (few of which appear to directly support local agriculture in any significant way). Road access is good, although may require an upgrade to support the ultimate vision of the school. Also, a major urban development supporting 6,000 residents (Aviators Field) is proposed for a site 500 metres east of our site. Another major urban development of 2,500 residents (Wyndham Harbour) is a short drive from the site. It is clear that the Wyndham Planning Scheme supports the notion of primary (and secondary) schools in the Green Wedge Zone, and while the Wyndham Green Wedge Zone Policy and Management Plan seeks to protect the Intense Agricultural Precinct from inappropriate development, we do not believe that the school as proposed is inappropriate. In fact, we believe it is totally appropriate as Wyndham's own policy does not explicitly exclude schools from the precinct (in fact it recognises the need for community and social infrastructure in the area), and with recent demographic changes there is a clear need for a school. We meet the criteria for schools specified by the Wyndham Planning Scheme, so we find it difficult to understand Council's decision. We are currently taking stock of what to do next. Anything we do will need the close agreement of both Lighthouse Christian College and Lightpoint Church. Our options include appealing to the State Minister for Planning, or taking our case to VCAT. Either way, there is much expense involved in these processes, so it is something we need to consider carefully, since we would rather be spending that money on the children of Wyndham. Please keep Lighthouse Christian College West Campus in your prayers. Please pray that Wyndham City Council will exhibit leadership and reach out to us so that together we can seek an outcome that is of clear benefit to the Wyndham community.

Just a reminder that next Monday evening (July 25) at 7:00pm, Wyndham Council will be making a decision on our planning application. I want to encourage you to attend this meeting (which is open to the public) and show your support for Lighthouse Christian College West Campus. It would be great if we could fill the Council chamber with our supporters, and send another clear message the Council that Wyndham wants and needs this school. The Council meeting is held at the Wyndham Civic Centre, 45 Princes Highway, Werribee. I look forward to seeing you there.

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Introducing Lighthouse Christian College

Introducing Lighthouse Christian College West Campus

Introducing Lighthouse Christian College

Wyndham Council Meeting

Wyndham Council Meeting

In talking to many of the responders there are a variety of reasons for supporting the school: for sure, schools are desperately needed in Wyndham, and an independent school in Aviation Rd will take the pressure of overcrowding away from schools local to Point Cook, as well as the Christian schools located north of the Princes Freeway. It will mean that Christian schools across Wyndham will be able to provide more places for families wanting their children to be educated in an environment that promotes Christian values. Lighthouse Christian College West Campus will also provide a unique environment that encourages and teaches their children where their food comes from and how to become better stewards of the land. This can best be done in the agricultural area – an urban based school will not provide the appropriate resources and community engagement for this. The school will also provide a community garden – in Point Cook, most houses are on smaller block sizes that limit how much vege gardening they can do. Also, many people rent and are prevented from having their own vege gardens. The proposed school will allow the community to plant and harvest their own vegetables for personal use. And we see the students also participating in producing vegetables for the needy in our community.

Wyndham City Council has started to invite 50 supporters of the Lighthouse Christian College West Campus to the Town Planning Forum being held on July 11, 2016. The 2 objectors will also be invited to the Town Planning Forum. The Council has acknowledged that 506 submissions in support of the school have been received from Wyndham residents. Unfortunately the venue for the Town Planning Forum can only sit a limited number of supporters, so please don’t be alarmed if you are not invited – your support has been very welcome and has been instrumental in us getting this opportunity. We have been blessed by the support you have given as it has seen the miraculous happen. Please keep praying for the school that the Wyndham Councilors will accept the proposal and allow the application to be approved.

Hi everyone. As part of Wyndham Council's evaluation of the application for a Primary School in Aviation Rd, we have been advised that the Council will hold a town planning forum where objectors and the applicants can present their case. We have also been advised that those who have written to Council in support of the application will also be able to attend the forum. The forum will be held on Monday, July 11 (further details of time and location will be advised when known). The forum gives us the opportunity to present our case directly to the councillors, who will then make a decision at their next council meeting in July. This is miraculous - while the Council is not obliged to hold a town planning forum based on the number of objections (they normally need 15 objections to hold a forum), the town planners recognise the overwhelming support of 502 submissions. It means that the Wyndham Councillors can approve the application - it won't be left to the town planners. Once again, thank you very much for the support you've shown to this point. Together we can present a solid case for the school that meets with the approval of the Councillors.

A message from Avril Howard, Principal of Lighthouse Christian...

A message from Avril Howard, Principal of Lighthouse Christian College, Keysborough.

A message from Avril Howard, Principal of Lighthouse Christian...

Seed planted for new Christian school

Hi everyone. Well, our proposed school has made the papers!! They make reference to "The Good Seed Christian School" - that's us; this was a working title for the Masterplan development project with our design architects. Plus they state it's "former agricultural land" - it's still being farmed. Anyway, have a read - it is positive to our proposal, especially if the state government has no immediate plans for more schools in Point Cook.

Lightpoint Church | Lighthouse West Campus

As part of Wyndham City Council's application for permit process, you can send a submission to support the application by sending them a letter or email. Please go to for instructions on what to write and how to send an email in support of our application. This website allows you to send an email directly to Wyndham City Council. Please note that you MUST include your NAME and ADDRESS, and you can optionally include your reasons for supporting the application. Please let us know if you have any difficulties sending your email via this website. Please send only 1 email per person.

Photos from Lighthouse Christian College West Campus's post

Here are key design features we intend to incorporate into Lighthouse Christian College West Campus ... we want the school to be sensitive to the environment it will be located in. We want to "tread lightly" by introducing sustainable technologies, recycled materials, rainwater harvesting, thermal efficiencies, natural light and ventilation, and a design that integrates agriculture and a balance between natural, agricultural and urban environments. We are in a culture that values preserving our resources; we see that it is important to educate our community on how agriculture plays a part on both the macro and micro levels and how we can live sustainably. We want the community to become part of the agricultural heritage of Werribee South while ensuring a high standard of scholastic achievement in other areas of education.

Photos from Lighthouse Christian College West Campus's post
