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Lyndoch Living

Hopkins Road, Warrnambool, Australia
Non-Profit Organization



With more than 60 years of experience, community based Lyndoch Living offers tailored approach to aged care at home, retirement village living & 24hr care Lyndoch Living’s support services have grown and developed significantly since its humble beginnings in the early 1980’s. Now offering a variety of specialised and tailored support services that focus on addressing the needs of people living at home, Lyndoch Living hope to reduce early or inappropriate admission to a residential care facility.

We work closely with clients and families/carers to identify their unique needs, and addressing them using a range of support services available from Lyndoch, or resources within the community.

Several services are offered to clients across the southwest region throughout the five municipalities of Warrnambool City, Corangamite, Moyne, Glenelg and Southern Grampians.

The type of provisions supplied within each support service cover a wide range of assistance, enabling people to function at their optimal level within their community. Contact us for more details on each of these programs.
From humble beginnings as a twelve-bed hostel, Lyndoch Living has grown to the major provider of aged and extended care services to our community.

Lyndoch Living exceeds expectations by providing a range of care services for high or complex care need residents with the comfort and security of 24-hour nursing care. Enabling residents to enjoy this phase of their life within a caring, homely environment while pursuing their interests and activities is what we like to refer to as ‘the Lyndoch Way’.

The premises are spread over six unique residences, currently accommodating 198 residents. We strive to modify, as required, the necessary services required for our residents as their needs change, all from the one facility.

We understand that extended family can play a huge role in the choice of a residential care, which is why we encourage the involvement of family, friends and pets in the resident’s choice and care needs.

Our team of volunteers and staff understand that making the transition to residential care can be challenging. We go to every length necessary to ensure a smooth and simple transition. Our registered and enrolled nurses, and personal care workers have completed extensive training, with ongoing education and training offered to ensure first class care for residents.

While residents are encouraged to pursue, or continue their own hobbies or interests, there is a wide range of social programs and activities from laughing yoga and card games to exercise programs and football tipping available to all residents at Lyndoch. Regular outings within the community are also available and may include sightseeing, shopping or promoting community links with visits to, or from, local schools.
Our independent living community, Waterfront Living, offers retirees a rewarding and secure lifestyle within the tranquil surrounds of the Hopkins River. While discretely separate from Lyndoch Living residents still have easy access to our broad range of onsite support services designed to support independence.


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We have lots of beautiful pets come and visit us here at Lyndoch. Found this cheeky giraffe using the photocopier this morning. #hostelmanager #onesieday #keepingwarm #newuniform

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We love showing off our facilities and were happy to host the LASA members regional meeting earlier this week.

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Photos from Lyndoch Living's post

We are spoilt with the home style, freshly baked cakes and slices available here at Cafe Connect. Eat in - with wonderful coffee or teas; or boxed up to takeaway. #cafeconnect #lifeatlyndoch #greatstorieshappenhereeveryday #afternoonteatime #chocolatecake #bakedonthepremises

Photos from Lyndoch Living's post

Waterfront Living

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A couple of 10 day old woolly jumpers called in to see the residents in the APC and Lake Lodge nursing homes today. #lifeatlyndoch #lunchtime #didimentiontherewaslambchopsforlunch

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Foodies serving up new faces

Another great story, another great partnership.

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Work stress and professional quality of life in disability support workers: The mediating role of psychological flexibility Central Queensland University (CQU) are facilitating a research study and have requested our assistance to share with care workers. "The research project aims to understand whether psychological flexibility could be key to increased work-related satisfaction for disability support workers. Disability support workers have a demanding role, which is vital to quality of life for people with an intellectual disability. As such, they can experience high work stress. CQUniversity Masters student Melissa Holding aims to explore how responses to perceived work stress on aspects of professional quality of life are influenced by psychological flexibility. “The indirect effect of psychological flexibility on the link between work stress and professional quality of life deserves further study,” she says. “We are interested in how it is related to perceptions of burnout, compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction.” Ms Holding has an affinity for her field, having worked previously in youth justice and disability service roles. The Rockhampton-based researcher says it is worthwhile to find ways to support disability support workers to manage work stress and experience better professional quality of life. She will survey people aged 18 or older who provide direct support to one or more people with an intellectual disability. Participants can be involved by completing an anonymous survey. The survey will explore experiences of disability support workers in relation to work stress, professional quality of life, and ways of coping." For more information or to complete the survey please go to the following link * Please share with your friends or to other health service groups. ** Please note this survey and any information collected is not in any way linked to Lyndoch Living and no remuneration has been received or paid.

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Lyndoch Auxiliary

What a wonderful effort by the amazing ladies of the Auxiliary! Get hold of the latest edition of the Voice to read about their efforts throughout the year of fundraising and assisting with the lifestyle needs of our residents.

Lyndoch Auxiliary

Lyndoch Auxiliary

A very important part of the Lyndoch family. Please show your support by attending the AGM tomorrow.

Lyndoch Auxiliary

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We keep saying it - Great stories happen here every day. Thanks for sharing Kim Brody

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Thanks to Southwest Healthcare Warrnambool for inviting the Lyndoch Gardening and Living@Home Teams to the World Environment Day to hear from horticultural therapist, nurse and gardens and grounds project officer from Austin Health, Steven Wells about his innovative and inspirational work in rehab and therapeutic gardens, and environmental sustainability. Also hearing about the wonderful environment strategies SWH have undertaken to create a greener workplace. We were also invited to view the new rehab sensory garden which is nearing its completion. See some of the great work here

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Photos from Lyndoch Living's post

LYNDOCH TEAM TAKING REGIONAL AGED CARE STRAIGHT TO THE TOP Lyndoch Living’s executive team last week met with the Federal Minister for Aged Care, the Hon Ken Wyatt, to discuss our exciting new Masterplan which will shape the future of aged care in the greater Warrnambool region. Lyndoch Chief Executive Officer, Ms Doreen Power, said that the meeting was fruitful and that Minister Wyatt was very impressed with the planned developments, which will enable the respected local organisation to offer world-class, innovative aged care to the Warrnambool region into the future. “This Masterplan is a very impressive, indeed a very grand scale, and its focus on new and innovative ways to deliver care to an ageing population is something the Warrnambool community should be very excited about,” Ms Power said. “Aged care in this region is going to look very different in 10 years’ time, with an increased emphasis on servicing people in their own homes with advancing levels of care. Our Masterplan is focused on enabling this in the greater Warrnambool region, as well as improving dramatically the experience of those who require higher, institutional care.” Ms Power said Minister Wyatt was especially keen to hear about Lyndoch’s wide range of community partnerships, and the impact the organisation has on employment and training options in the region. “Through our partnerships with the likes of TAFE, Deakin University and WestVic Staffing, we are training up our own workforce locally, as well as providing a great range of career pathways to people in the greater Warrnambool region,” Ms Power said. “With the planned development of our Primary Health Care Centre and the redevelopment of existing facilities on our site, these opportunities for community partnerships are only going to increase,” Ms Power said. Ms Power thanked the Member for Wannon, the Hon Dan Tehan MP, for his assistance in organising the meeting in Canberra.

Photos from Lyndoch Living's post


NEAR Lyndoch Living

Thunder Point Warrnambool

Warrnambool, Australia
Landmark & Historical Place