Fitness & fun in a family run gym
Children, teens & adult classes
Muay Thai, MMA, Strength & Conditioning, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Arnis, Personal Training. Instructor Profiles:
Director/Founder : KAEL COSTER
- Government qualified Muay Thai Instructor
- Professional fighter: 19 pro muay thai + kickboxing fights (15wins), + 3 amm boxing fights 2 wins. Beginning MMA career with 1 fight 1 win via RNC.
- Black belt Taekwondo (former state champ and 2nd in australia)
- Blue belt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- Krav Maga Instructor (israeli special forces self defence system)
- 5 years Russian trained Strength and Conditioning
- Certified Australian Kettlebell Instructor
- CrossFit lvl 1 qualified
- Strength and conditioning coach, currently studying exercise and sport science at university
- 3rd Degree black belt Taekwondo
- 2nd Degree black belt Hapkido
- 1st Degree black belt Gong Kwon Yusol
- Blue belt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- 11 MMA fights, 3 Muay Thai fights
- Trained in martial arts and body building in Korea and Philippines
- 1 years Russian trained strength and conditioning coach
- cert 3+4 in fitness
- Qualified CrossFit level 1
- Biggest biceps in warragul
Tell your friends
facebook.comOPEN MAT FOR XMAS & NEW YEARS BREAK Hey guys no classes for the next 2 weeks as you know. Then only night classes for thevweek of the 9th of jan then new timetable stsrting 16th. Guys with keys please use this post to let the others know when you're going in so everyone can use the gym. Sean Gibson was planning on doing weights & some bjj most days i think? If you can put on here when you're going in and guys if you want to organise a time with some guys do it in this msg. Damon Lyons Brett & Lynara Hack if you want to come grab mine you's can cut it to use? Please tag everyone i've missed! Nick Lesquillier Dave Kazakis Nathan Williams Pip Evans E.l. Funk Sam Bracken Jyle Benito Rabottini Michael Thomas Dean Sturk Jonathan Petherbridge Cash H-a Josh Collins Matthew Gibson Andrew Robinson Andrew Petruccelli Alison Uliando Jimmy Serong Marcus Tiga Darren Burgess Nick Palmer
Timeline Photos
New adults & teens timetable for 2017 - Night time classes starting back January 9th - Morning timetable starting back January 16th - Kids & teens start back 2nd February Looking forwards to another great year with all you peeps! Get ready for a harder year of training. The coaches have been speaking and it's time to step it up a notch & train harder. Few big changes coming. One of which is 10x burpees for every minute late on the mats in the new year guys ;-) Enjoy the Christmas & new year break with your families & friends. Stay safe and look forwards to seeing you all back on the mat in the new year!
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Congratulations to Jimmy Serong 12 months ago he walked in at he's walking around at 77kg of ripped prime monkey flesh! Jyle Rabottini sneaked back into the gym only SIX WEEKS AGO after a long lay off at he's walking around 88kg, a lean mean green eating machine ! Kicking ass guys proud of yas!
Strength Sensei
PREACHING TO THE CHOIR Must read for all the runners out there! While reading can we all have a moments silence for those driving to the gym stuck in Christmas traffic to run on the stationary treadmill or ride a stationary bike... Get outside guys!!
Strength Sensei
Timeline Photos
Christmas Dates: Last adult classes are FRIDAY 23rd December. We are closed for 2 weeks reopening for only evening classes MONDAY 9th January and ALL CLASSES RESUME MONDAY 16th January. New timetable for next year will be available next week so watch this space!
BeeActive On Holidays
Check out Kael & Michaels new business venture. Please give the page a like and share :-)
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Lost property pile gets binned this friday guys come grab your stuff
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Very suprised & privaleged to receive coach of the year and win an xbox one at the Australian Elite Team Christmas dinner. Massive thanks to Ninos and all the guys at the AET for without his coaching i'd be nowhere near the grappler i am today. Also our club would be no where near the level it is with a brown belt coach, 3 purple belts and 7 blue belts now in country victoria medaling at a lot of comps! Have learnt so much in the last few years and love feeling like a new white belt always learning each week. AET is truly an amazing team with so much support and love at that place i could never imagine being anywhere else. Thanks again guys! Kael OSU
Photos from Coster MMA's post
Lets help keep the gym tidy guys. Recognise your stuff? Gear to be taken home at the end of each class. Whatevers left over after the end of morning/night classes jumps in the lost property bucket & is up for grabs to be used during classes by anyone without their own gear. Lost property tub will be getting thrown out every friday. Make sure you collect your stuff before then!
30 Day Yoga For Beginners
Who's up for a 30x day yoga challenge at home? 10-15min of yoga a day starting tomorrow Check in here daily keep each other accountable ;-)
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Due to Kaels fight tomorrow no children's BJJ class will be running.