Natural Ninjas
Natural Ninjas is an online only ecommerce store, based in Sydney, Australia. We specialise in natural health and well being products.
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Propolis is a liquid excreted by bees into their hives which protects them from harmful bacteria and fungi. Bees use this liquid to fill cracks and seal the hive and also to embalm invading insects that enter their hive. Propolis acts as a natural disinfectant and also provides an antiseptic barrier for the hive as the invading insect dies and decomposes. Ancient civilizations used propolis to embalm mummies, treat abscesses and wound infections. Modern day uses include propolis as a remedy for sore throats, mouth ulcers, intestinal parasites, preventing dental decay (I.e. toothpastes that contain propolis instead of fluoride), respiratory infections such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, athlete’s foot, treatment of minor burns etc. I stumbled across propolis in a health food store after looking for natural alternatives for a tongue ulcer. In my experience, I found that propolis stopped the pain and discomfort from the ulcer immediately. I also now take liquid propolis when I am suffering from a sore throat as I find this really helps to soothe my throat instantly. Liquid propolis is one of my go to remedies that I always have in the cupboard along with Oil of Oregano that I use when I start to feel a little run down or at the first signs of a sore throat. I haven’t used propolis for any other health issues where propolis is purported to be of potential benefit. If anyone has used liquid propolis for any other health issues, it would be interesting to know. As propolis is a liquid made by bees, for some individuals who may suffer from allergies to bees or bee products, this product can cause life threatening allergic reactions. Always read the instructions and always consult with your medical practitioner if you do suffer from allergies, before taking any natural supplement.
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Oregano Oil –wings for my immune system What can I say? This oil is simply breathtaking. In all honesty it really will take your breath away when you put a few drops under your tongue for the very first time. Best to dilute in water or juice however. For those who don’t like the whole “yee-ha” eye popping cowboy experience, you can always take Oregano Oil in capsule form. If you want to stop sore throats from progressing and see your cold symptoms diminish in a shorter duration of time, Oregano Oil could be an option to consider. Whilst Oregano Oil will freshen your breath like a pantry full of herbs, it may be of benefit if you are suffering from upper respiratory viral symptoms, sore throats, blocked sinuses, digestive issues, parasites, fungus, skin conditions like acne and psoriasis etc. There are multiple articles that talk about the benefits of this amazing natural oil, how to use it etc. Personally I love the Oregano Oil solution as a short term “go-to” when I am starting to develop a sore throat. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. In my opinion, it has helped shorten the duration of some viral upper respiratory illnesses and stopped my sore throat dead in its tracks. I liken Oregano Oil as a turbo booster for my immune system in these instances. My personal preference is the Solutions 4 Health Oil of Wild Oregano. With any natural supplement, it is imperative to always check with your medical practitioner first, especially where you have any medical conditions or take prescription medications. And always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
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Are you as crook as Rookwood? Strewth! For the uninitiated this may sound a bit peculiar, i.e. anyone other than an Australian with an understanding of Aussie slang. But then again Australians are an interesting mob. My stepfather talks in rhyming slang and to be honest it can be interesting second guessing some of what he says. The slang changes with different generations and understanding what Australians are actually saying sometimes is good for a challenge or a game of charades. Well if you are as crook as Rookwood and have fallen foul of the dreaded lurgy (coughs, colds and flu’s) this winter and have had to “chuck a sickie”, cheer up. Home remedies such as hot green tea with ginger, lemon and Manuka honey might just make you feel a little better. Whether or not this concoction is merely just a feel good for the sick and weary or if the benefits of all these natural herbs and wonderful honey are kicking in and assisting your immune system doesn’t really matter. What does matter is if you feel a little better after drinking it or find even a little relief in some way from the not so pleasant symptoms of coughs, colds and flus. I’ve pulled this old home remedy out already this winter and have had some relief in the duration of the flu and I also found some relief from the honey on my sore throat. In this recipe I used steamed green tea leaves steeped in boiling water for a few minutes, a small knob of fresh grated ginger, 10mls freshly squeezed lemon juice and a spoonful of Manuka honey. I run this through a strainer first and pour into a tea cup and sip away. Someone did mention to me recently that the lemon juice in hot water is terrible for your teeth and should only be drunk through a straw as the acid in the lemon juice can strip the enamel off your teeth. Hmm, might be time for me to invest in some of those glass straws. When you’re next feeling a little poorly, consider this home remedy as it really is the bee’s knees. If you’re looking for different variations, mix it up, search the web and I hope you feel better soon. Help me, I need a dictionary! Crook as Rookwood– feeling very sick. Rookwood is an old cemetery in Sydney NSW. Strewth- an exclamation of surprise, disgust or amazement. Bee’s Knees- of high quality Chuck a sickie- take a day off work due to illness The dreaded lurgy- British slang for an unspecified infectious disease or ailment
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Astaxanthin - Pretty In Pink Astaxanthin (pronounced astaZanthin) is a naturally occurring red pigment which is produced by certain types of microscopic algae (microalgae) that live in water. The red pigment in Astaxanthin is classed as a carotenoid. A carotenoid is a brightly coloured (mainly red, orange and yellow) fat soluble organic pigment that gives colour to certain parts of plants such as leaves and fruit. Beta carotene is an example of a carotenoid that is present in carrots. The benefits of eating carrots arise from the beta carotene which is required for the production of Vitamin A in the human body. Vitamin A is an essential nutritional requirement for strong bones, healthy immune system, healthy skin, wound healing and eyesight. The health benefits of carotenoids as antioxidants (an antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the breakdown of other molecules) are purported to be beneficial for health and wellbeing. Is Astaxanthin natural? If you were looking for examples of naturally occurring Astaxanthin, you would find this in the shells of marine animals such as krill, lobster, crab (crustaceans) and also in the pink flesh of wild sockeye salmon or red trout. Astaxanthin is concentrated primarily within the shells of crustaceans and becomes visible on exposure to heat (during cooking). Salmon and trout store Astaxanthin in their muscle (flesh). This brightly coloured carotenoid also in the feathers of some birds such as wild flamingos, which is the reason why pink flamingos are pink. (Rest assured that if you take Astaxantin, you won't turn pink!) What is the role of Astaxanthin? Astaxanthin is thought to be a powerful antioxidant which prevents damage to cells. This antioxidant is deemed to be far more powerful than Vitamin C and Vitamin E and far more stable. As a result of this, the antioxidant properties of Astaxanthin have been studied scientifically for a variety of different health benefits. Some research suggests that Astaxanthin may provide health benefits for a healthy immune system; brain health; cardiovascular health; eye health; lowering blood pressure; improving recovery after strenuous exercise. Numerous studies abound in relation to Astaxanthin and many articles have been written. I came across multiple references to Astaxanthin on many different sites and forums where people report some health benefits and some who haven’t seen any benefits. What I did find interesting were the reviews and articles, blogs, posts where some people take Astaxanthin supplements on a daily basis and claim improvement in their energy levels, relief from joint aches and pains, relief from inflammation following injuries such as tennis elbow, improvement in athletic endurance and performance etc. Personally I haven’t taken Astaxanthin however after reading the literature, I am very keen to try the Nutrex BioAstin Astaxanthin 12mg gel capsule as a daily supplement to see if there is any benefit to taking this for my general aches and pains and energy levels. You can find them in our store at this link: Where does the Astaxanthin in nutritional supplements come from? Natural Astaxanthin is cultivated from a particular type of green algae called Haematococcus Pluvialis grown on a commercial scale. This microalgae contains the highest concentration of Astaxanthin. The algae is initially green in colour and during cultivation turns red in response to certain conditions such as sunlight, nutrient deficiency, salty water. The Nutrex Bioastin Astaxanthin is grown in Kona, Hawaii in a certified pesticide and herbicide free zone.
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15 plus years as a nurse on a rotating roster eventually took its toll on my sleep patterns and quality. After modifying my lifestyle and diet and resorting to trying numerous herbal supplements to help, I finally stumbled across melatonin in a health food store. Melatonin has made a difference to how I sleep, how quickly I fall asleep and also drift back off when I wake up through the night. I can’t say that melatonin has returned the sleeping quality and/or sleep patterns of my youth; however if I forget to take it, I do notice a return to the inevitable insomnia, or I wake up constantly and frequently throughout the night. Sometimes swapping to a different brand of melatonin or method of delivery I find also helps. I’ve tried oral melatonin spray, melatonin tablets sublingual (under the tongue), and topical melatonin. Currently the Ancient Minerals Magnesium Lotion Goodnight with Melatonin is working wonders for me. A hot bath with a scoop of magnesium chloride flakes (I use Ancient Minerals Magnesium Bath Flakes) an hour before bed, followed by 1 ml (or one full press of the pump) of the Ancient Minerals Magnesium Goodnight Lotion with Melatonin rubbed into my calves, is absolute bliss. The magnesium in the lotion (and in the bath) also helps with relaxation and stops my restless legs. I hadn’t come across the Ancient Minerals Magnesium Lotion “Goodnight” with Melatonin before now, yet it helps with my sleep and I don’t wake up feeling groggy. As a bonus, I love the feel of it on my skin as it isn’t greasy and it's also a great moisturiser, as it contains coconut oil and shea butter. Individuals are unique and vary for their needs, wants and responses to supplements, hence melatonin supplements may not work for everyone suffering from insomnia. The magnesium salt in the Ancient Minerals brand is genuine Zechstein pure magnesium oil sourced from 1600-2000 metres below the seabed in Europe. If you’re willing to try a Melatonin product you haven’t tried before now, I would recommend the Ancient Minerals Magnesium Goodnight Lotion with Melatonin. Whilst this product I feel is effective for reducing my insomnia, it hasn’t cured it, but it most certainly has helped. If you want to read more about Ancient Minerals Magnesium Lotion Goodnight with Melatonin (75ml pump) click on the link below:
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Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that we as humans cannot manufacture in our bodies. Unfortunately Vitamin C isn't stored in the human body, we have to obtain it from our diet which should be balanced and contain lots of healthy fruits and vegetables. What happens if we become deficient in vitamin C? Well, if you were a sailor before the 20th Century you may have been unfortunate enough during your long ocean journeys to have died a horrible death from scurvy (a disease caused by severe Vitamin C deficiency). Limes and lemons were eventually included as food staples on long ocean voyages and the juice of these fruits were added into the daily rum rations of sailors to prevent scurvy. "Limeys" became a derogatory term used to refer to sailors in the Royal Navy. So why do we need Vitamin C? We need Vitamin C for healing (wounds), absorbing iron, producing collagen (important for skin, blood vessels, hair, teeth, fingernails) produce neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin is a neurotransmitter which regulates our moods, sleep and appetite), to strengthen our immunity; to name but a few. Natural or synthetic Vitamin C? Natural forms of Vitamin C are found in many fruits and vegetables such as berries, citrus fruits, broccoli etc. Vitamin C Powders are made up of dried fruits and extracts and vary for content and ingredients. These powders are derived from natural plants and fruits and not synthetic sources. Synthetic forms however are manufactured predominantly from corn syrup. Corn grown on an industrial scale may also be genetically modified. The most common synthetic form of Vitamin C is known as ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, potassium ascorbate. Ascorbates are alkaline forms of ascorbic acid.The synthetic forms of Vitamin C do not contain all of the essential elements that are naturally contained in fruits and vegetables. Natural Ninjas stock the following products containing naturally derived Vitamin C: Amazonia Raw Vitamin C 120g (powder) Amazonia Raw Immune 120g (powder) Rawtanica Baobab Powder 200g
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Kawakawa is the New Zealand Pepper Tree. Kawakawa is used in traditional Maori Medicine (called Rongoa) as the leaves, bark and roots of the Kawakawa are believed to contain healing properties. Kawakawa leaves can be used in balms, salves, creams, poultices, teas, liquid tonics for a variety of conditions and are traditionally used to promote holistic health and healing for mind, body and spirit. The medicinal properties are believed to provide relief from joint pain, toothache, facial nerve pain, increase the passing of urine, reduce inflammation, assist with skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and sensitive skin, assist with wound healing, reduce abdominal cramping and spasm, drunk as a liquid health tonic or refreshing cup of tea. The leaves may also be burnt to repel mosquitoes and sandflies, or the oil can be extracted from crushed Kawakawa leaves to produce a natural insect repellent. The Kawakawa tree or shrub (it can grow to 6m in height) is native to New Zealand and contains dense green foliage with large heart shaped leaves that are often riddled with holes from caterpillars and insects. These leaves are the ones harvested sustainably to produce these herbal preparations. Natural Ninjas stock KawaCure 100% Maori hand made Kawakawa products which can be found at the following link: KawaCure Traditional Maori Kawakawa balm (ointment) - 50ml and 120ml sizes KawaCure Sore Muscle Rub (ointment) - 50ml and 120ml sizes
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Bees are pollinators that have been around for thousands of years. Images of bees are recorded in the hieroglyphics of the ancient Egyptians and depictions of bees and honey gathering have been found in ancient rock paintings on several continents. In Greek mythology, Aristaeus was a Greek god associated with bee-keeping. Bee goddesses also existed as deities in many other ancient cultures. From honeybees we get honey, honeycomb, beeswax, bee venom, propolis, bee pollen, and royal jelly. Honey is a natural product and also a simple sugar that is absorbed and provides us with glucose and energy. Medicinal honey is used for topical application for wounds and is also sold impregnated in wound dressings as it possesses antibacterial properties. Honeycomb is the hexagonal shaped cell structures that the worker bees build from wax they secrete. The honeycomb cell are then used to store honey, pollen, larvae and lay their eggs. Eating raw 'comb honey' is the old fashioned way of eating honey as nature intended, straight from the hive to the consumer, this is still favoured by some individuals today. Beeswax has a variety of uses and is used in foods, cosmetics, candles, furniture polish, leather protectant etc. Bee venom is described in literature as an alternative therapy (without any scientific evidence) that is used by some individuals to treat different conditions. Propolis is the liquid that bees make from the resin of certain types of trees, pollen and wax that the bees use in their hives for building and repairing. Commonly referred to as "bee glue", its a sticky dark liquid that also provides a protective shield for the hive from external bacterial & viral contaminants such as insects. Propolis is used in liquid, topical or capsule form for sore throats, mouth & tongue ulcers, plaque, gingivitis, cold sores, acne etc. Bee pollen is the pollen that is gathered by bees from flowering plants that is then packed into small granules and stored by the bees in their hives. Bee pollen is then harvested directly from the beehive. Sometimes referred to as a "Superfood", bee pollen is rich in amino acids, high in protein, contains many essential vitamins and minerals and is low in calories. Bee pollen is often seen advertised as beneficial to athletes for improving performance and increasing stamina. Royal Jelly is a milky substance secreted by worker bees to feed larvae. It is used in much higher amounts during development of larvae to trigger the larvae to produce a queen bee when the old queen bee is about to die. The higher concentration of Royal Jelly in these instances triggers genetic changes that are responsible for reproductive, anatomical and physiological differences in the queen bee from the rest of her hive. Royal Jelly is sought as a natural diet supplement by individuals for different health benefits, but without any scientific evidence. With any bee product, consumers need to be aware that these products can cause severe allergic reactions. Always read the label and follow the directions. Where you suffer from medical conditions, allergies or require medications, it is advisable to always consult with your medical practitioner before commencing any dietary supplements. outlines the mandatory disclaimer requirement for labelling of Royal Jelly advertised as a food or Royal Jelly as a component of food. Natural Ninjas stocks bee products which can be found at the following link: Natures Goodness Bee Pollen 250g Berringa Super Manuka 220+ MGO 250g Berringa Super Manuka 400+ MGO 450g Healthy Bee Fresh Royal Jelly 100g Natures Goodness Bee Pollen Granules 1kg Natures Goodness Propolis Tincture 150mg/ml 200ml Natures Goodness Propolis Tincture 150mg/ml 50ml Natures Goodness Royal Jelly Capsules 1000mg 100c
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Sounds like the beginning of a nasty headache doesn’t it? Sore and tired eyes, eyes watering, difficulty concentrating, blurry vision, light sensitive, these are some of the symptoms of eye strain reported by people. Our ability to concentrate on a small screen all day is quite astounding if you think about it. We commute to work, we have our heads down absorbed in our mobile devices staring at small screens during our commute (for public transport commuters), we then arrive at work and stare at one or more computer screens all day, pack up and head home again staring at our mobile devices, and in the evening for some of us, relaxation can come in the form of watching entertainment on a television screen. Our eyes are constantly being bombarded with artificial light from a fixed object and our eyes begin to strain. Unfortunately we don’t even realise this as we have become intensely focused on whatever it is that has our attention at the time. Taking regular breaks from our computers, practicing eye exercises, ensuring our environmental light isn’t too dim or too bright, adjusting the contrast on our computer displays, using glare filters can all assist to reduce eye strain and eye fatigue. Poor nutrition, age related eye disease can also impact on eye health. A balanced diet, adequate hydration and plenty of sleep, protecting our eyes from the sun, also aid in reducing eye strain and fatigue. These all sound practical & logical, but how many of us would honestly say that they we realistically achieve all of this? Drinking enough fluids can be a challenge for some, eating a balanced diet can also be a challenge at times for many different reasons. Certain foods such as dark leafy greens & golden/yellow coloured foods have a high amount of vitamins and minerals that can assist eye health. Vitamins A, C, E, antioxidants such as Lutein and Zeaxanthin and minerals such as Zinc and Selenium are vital for good eye health. Natural supplements for eyesight, in the form of vitamins and minerals, may assist some individuals with eye problems, however they should not be used in place of medication prescribed by a medical practitioner. They are supplements to a healthy diet. Always consult your medical practitioner if you have any pain or issues with your eyesight or if you take medication before taking any supplements. Changes to your diet can interfere with some medications. If your vision suddenly changes, you should always seek immediate medical attention. Regular eye checkups should also be a part of our routine health checks to exclude eye disease and maintain good eye health. At Natural Ninjas we sell a range of natural supplements that may be beneficial in maintaining eye health and eyesight. We currently stock: • Herbs of Gold Macu-Guard with Bilberry 10 000 (60 Capsules) • Natures Goodness Macula Saffron with Lutein and Zeaxanthin (60 capsules) Further reading:
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Muscle soreness is something that afflicts all of us in our daily lives from time to time. Whether muscle pain arises from working out at the gym, not exercising, playing sport, strenuous activities, old injuries etc. it can be distracting, uncomfortable and very painful. Our skeletal muscles are made up of essentially two main types of muscle fibres that enable us to perform rapid muscle contractions (fast twitch) and also maintain continuous muscle contractions over a longer period of time (slow twitch). The force of a skeletal muscle contraction is the same as the force of a slow muscle contraction, however the fast twitch fibres do just that, they twitch rapidly. As they twitch rapidly they both consume oxygen as well as producing energy, however they fatigue much faster than slow twitch muscle fibres. Slow twitch fibres are more efficient with oxygen consumption and energy production and can sustain muscle contractions for a much longer period of time before fatigue sets in. As our muscles fatigue, the strength of a muscle contraction declines and we tire. Depending on a multitude of variables such as age, intensity of exercise, hydration status, iron levels etc. will determine how sore we feel and for how long. Stretching after exercise, rest, hydration, balanced diet, adequate sleep, all go a long way to helping us recover. Magnesium is an essential mineral vital for muscle contraction that can be used as a supplement to aid in muscle recovery. There are multiple forms of magnesium supplements in oral or topical forms available. Topical forms such as Magnesium Oils are more readily absorbed than oral supplements as they bypass the gastro intestinal tract and are absorbed directly through the skin. As always common sense must prevail and if you have any medical conditions you should always consult your medical practitioner first. Natural Ninjas stocks these varieties of magnesium supplements: Herbs of Gold Muscle Resuscitation 150g oral powder Herbs of Gold Magnesium Forte High Strength 120 tablets Ancient Minerals Magnesium oils and bath flakes Amazing Oils Organic Magnesium Oils and bath flakes