Mid Coast Podiatry is based in Taree, NSW. The clinic covers general and sports podiatry, utilising modern evidence based practise. Mid Coast Podiatry is owned by Esher Townsend, she is also the principle podiatrist. She graduated from Southampton University in 2005, having previously studied Sports Therapy.
"I became interested in podiatry after seeing a podiatrist for persistent 'shin splints', verging on stress fractures. Being a keen runner, I was getting increasingly frustrated at the inconsistent training and always running in pain. The podiatrist put orthotics into my joggers, I had some soft tissue treatments and a month later I was pain free and have never had since. I thought they were magic".
We cover all aspects of podiatry from the hip to the toes, this includes: General Podiatry (corns, callus, nail cuts), Diabetic Foot Assessments, Footwear advice, Orthotic therapy and Lower Leg/ Foot Injuries/Sports Podiatry (FMT - Foot Mobilisation Techniques, Dry Needling, Massage and Orthoses)
One of Esher's main interests is heel pain, it can be very debilitating not only for the sports person but for anyone and can be difficult to treat. There are numerous causes of heel pain, we complete a comprehensive assessment to find the exact cause and use various treatment modalities to get the patient back to their normal activities.
For more information please call the clinic or feel free to drop in to see us. The amazing Kerrie Norris is the practice manager, she keeps everything running smoothly and is the first port of call.
Taree - Tue/Wed/Thurs
Wingham - Mon (every 2nd) and Fridays.
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This is why we are loving shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis. Follow the evidence. If you'd like more info on this treatment modality for plantar heel pain or Achilles tendinopathy please call the office on 6551 4815 or checkout our website
Orthoses – so much more than ‘fit and forget’ Part 3 – by Nick Knight
Exercises for Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (AKA ‘Shin Splints’)
Some of my favorite exercises for medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints). Great blog as well.
High-load strength training improves outcome in patients with plantar fasciitis: A randomized controlled trial with 12-month follow-up. - PubMed - NCBI
This paper has been around for a while, we incorporate loading programs into our treatment strategies for both Achilles and plantar heel injuries. Tendons and the plantar fascia love load, they become injured because we ask them to do too much. So you need to strengthen and then get them even stronger. Work it baby!
Is strength training useful for plantar heel pain
South Yarra Spine & Sports Medicine
Manning-Great Lakes Focus i121
Thanks again focus for asking me to be in the women in business feature again
Bartold Biomechanics
Simon is one of the worlds leading podiatrists .. this highlights why a full biomechanical assessment is vital. Heel pain is one of the top reasons people come to see us and because it's caused by a variety of reasons, it's really important we gather as much information about your injury as possible. This allows us to offer what we think will be the best treatment options for you. In his blog Simon mentions ESWT , which is shockwave therapy.. a treatment we are excited to be able to offer.
Strength training to improve endurance performance
Timeline Photos
Nice evening for a running injury webinar.
ITB Syndrome: Treating the Real Causes in Runners
Photos from Mid Coast Podiatry's post
To everyone that has visited us this year, we would like to say thank you for your support and wish you a merry Christmas. We reopen on the 10th Jan. Best wishes Esher, Kerrie, Kelsey, Breea and Caroline And to my girls... couldn't do it without you all.. was a great year and thanks for working so hard ex