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NeuRA - Neuroscience Research Australia

Margarete Ainsworth Building - Barker Street, Sydney, Australia
Non-Profit Organization



NeuRA (Neuroscience Research Australia) is an independent medical research institute and leader in brain and nervous system research.    We do research into (1) ageing and neurodegeneration, (2) brain structure and function, (3) mental illness, (4) neural injury, and (5) sensation, movement, balance and falls.

We also house the Sydney Brain Bank and Genetic Repositories Australia.



What's the difference between a panic attack and social anxiety disorder? Find out here and see what research NeuRA is doing to help people with anxiety.

Timeline Photos

Parkinson's disease destroyed up to 70% of Steve's vulnerable brain cells by the time symptoms appeared. Will you help us to find a treatment that prevents this?

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Is snoring a sign of a more serious medical condition? Dr Jason Amatoury brings us up to date with the latest research from the NeuRA Sleep Lab.

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What words do you use to explain to a child that daddy has an incurable brain disease? Find out how Steve and his wife Claire tackled this heartbreaking topic.

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Remapping the body

A stroke patient struggles to open a door. An amputee is frustrated at the erratic movements of his new prosthetic limb. A healthy young individual is disappointed with how her body looks in the mirror. What do these people have in common? Learn more about brain maps, and how they helps us navigate the world.

Is there a link between early life trauma and mental illness?

Traumatic experiences in a child's early life, including abuse, parental divorce, mental illness and poverty are now being linked to later mental illness. Find out more below.

Photos from NeuRA - Neuroscience Research Australia's post

Brilliant Golf Day with NeuRA golfers helping Taylor (our builders) fundraise $70,000 for our research. A big thank you from Mark O'Hara NeuRA Facilities Manager, to the Taylor team for the fantastic day!

Photos from NeuRA - Neuroscience Research Australia's post

Researchers testing benefits of sleeping pill on back pain

Catch up on Channel 9 News story on NeuRA's SLEEPAIN back pain trial. Volunteer Matt is now pain free! If you have NEW back #pain call Edel on: 02 9399 1618.

Binge drinking

Recognising that adolescence is a critical period for brain development, we are conducting research into how excessive drinking affects the teenage #brain. This research will be crucial to informing our alcohol licensing laws and public health advice.

How do we maintain reaching accuracy during body movement? - Motor Impairment

Have you ever been on a bus and needed to grab the handrail? Why does this get more difficult as you get older?

Eating behaviours and FTD

A striking feature of frontotemporal #dementia (FTD) is where people eat large amounts, develop strong preferences for sweet food and become very rigid in their food choices. Have you or someone you know experienced this? Share your stories below.

Ep 14: Dr Americo Migliaccio aims to restore balance through science

Imagine you are walking down a road and your head is bobbing up and down - how does your vision stay straight ahead? Listen to NeuRA's Dr Americo Migilaccio solve this riddle. #Worldradioday
