Yogitri offers Hatha, Vinyasa, and Strala yoga classes in Hyderabad. Led by a RYT Registered Yoga Teacher, Yogitri offers engaging and fun yoga classes
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facebook.comIncredibly excited to be attending a weekend immersion with #KathrynBudig.. core work, inversions, arm balances, and everything else in between. She's been a huge influence in my life personally and in my yoga journey so this is massive for YogiTri! Pics coming soon :D
It takes time to build trust. With your body and your surroundings. Trust your body when it says it has had enough, or when it hasn't. Trust your body when it's experiencing energy like the surface of water..calm and soft.. or if it's even feeling fiery and hot. Your body says it like it is. Trust. It takes time to build trust with those in your surroundings and with your surroundings itself. Trust the process. Trust the time it takes to build the trust. Trust the challenge and your intention behind it. something.
I am not always attracted to a physical practice. Especially one that might shift my intention of connecting to MY Qi and makes it about connecting to someone else's Qi. That could be a teachers or not. I see more of a need to sit with myself than perform on the mat sometimes. (Let's admit it..we've all aimed at some "best performances") I am dividing my time more now between a yoga nidra, seated meditation, and some amount of asana practice that feels right for me that day. There is no hurry to get to a pose. There is no such aim in my practice at this point. Have a great day
I used to hate handstands. Because i didn't really understand the hype. It didn't excite me. But i realised it's hard work to get to do one. Especially if you believe you can't do it. You are not only fighting physical capability but also mental strength. And that's a lot to overcome when you are about to jump in to the base of your palms and lift off of them. My learning - TRUST.YOURSELF.
What I loved about my practice today : The teacher and the energy she created in the room. Soft, & flowy with seamless transitions. Seamless transitions meaning moving from pose to pose intelligently and what felt natural to the body. Therein lies the beauty of vinyasa - it's innate character of flowing and fusing.
7 Tips For Dealing With Life If You Can’t Afford A Therapist
I am not sure what the popularity factor of a life therapist is like in India. I had never heard of it till sometime back. But this is a great article to keep in your bookmark tabs if you have occasional bouts of anxiety and a feeling of failure that haunts you time and again. There are tools you can create independent of external factors to STAY POSITIVE.. You got this. Read on.
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Focus and balance are soul sisters.. Without focus there is no balance..and balance cannot be maintained without focus. Same as holding that Ardha Chandrasana, or holding that challenging, tough conversation with someone.
Yogitri is about to reveal our spanking new website! Stay tuned :)
My personal take on appreciation Losing my beloved aunt this week has been difficult. I have a lot to learn from her and her purpose. Over the past few weeks I have had more than just a few unpleasant experiences with people, work life, and also on the yoga front. All of which are lessons for me and help me evolve and face situations that we don't always anticipate. But I have one key takeaway from everything. Appreciation. I don't think appreciating anyone who gives their time, effort, energy, thought, and love to something they do for you should EVER be an option. Sometimes we don't fully appreciate things because of our need for perfection and idealism. The idea that a person will do what you expect them to do is often an unrealistic approach. That person will do the best they can do at a given time based on their experience and personality. It's not good enough for you. And that's your problem. But people who love us but piss us off occasionally, people who work for us but mess up occasionally, people who give us their love but add stress to our lives momentarily. All of them need to be appreciated for what they CAN do. What they DID do. I don't think people fully appreciated my aunt for the support she gave people.. Orphans she helped, family members she supported, friends she counselled. And we all lost her. And now all I think of is.. I wish we appreciated her more. We didn't give back enough. Who do you need to appreciate more in your life?
Teaching to me is about enabling. Your approach can either be one of instructing and creating a 'follow-me' class, or one of 'let's flow together' I need to enable the practitioner to perform to the best of their ability on that given day. How can i enable someone on their mat to reach depths of their physical and emotional boundaries they wouldn't attempt to shine light on otherwise. How can i be a catalyst in moving his/her energy from a stagnant place to a positive flowing bustling Qi. How can i enable you to be the best version of YOU, on your own.
15-Minute Yoga Class with Sharath Jois - Sonima
This is amazing. I love this. Why is this so amazing and why do i love it? Because it is absolutely simple. I LOVE how the guy in the middle is completely out of alignment, trying to do the poses, and he is still in the video BANG in the center! No they didn't choose picture perfect models across the board. Yes the other 2 have great practice but it's the guy in the center i am learning more from and watching both as a practitioner, student, and guide. What's also amazing is no flowery language is being used, no philosophy, just straight forward instructions. Sometimes that can be all we really need. And i am very new to the Ashtanga practice and it intrigues me like nobody's business. But i am so curious to know what the Great Sharath Jois was thinking through the video. What was it? Was he thinking "what is this guy doing here?" or was it "i want to help him get deeper in his practice and i am happy he is here." I may not be able to sleep tonight thinking of this.
"Yoga’s ultimate intent is to achieve something far deeper and more meaningful than just a better body or less stress and tension. Its ultimate aim is to help you hear your soul’s call so that you can be consistently guided to make the best decisions — the ones that serve your highest state of wellbeing. In the process of doing so, you will necessarily be made more whole and act in such a way as to support the larger world of which you are a part. It will also lead you to a truly fulfilled, meaningful and purposeful life." - Rod Stryker, Excerpt adapted from “The Four Desires: Creating a Life of Purpose, Happiness, Prosperity, and Freedom by Rod Stryker.”