Amplify HR
We provide services to suit your needs, be it an Interim HR Manager, someone to chat to about a complex people issue, HR audits, or mentoring and coaching Your Personal HR Manager....without the overheads.
Providing Your Business with Pragmatic HR Support and Advice.
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Tara Moss talking about labels,leadership and why we need more women's voices #BeBoldForChange
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#BeBoldForChange #InternationalWomensDay
The New Daily
Thinking of doing a recruitment video? Don't use this as a prototype 😂
The PM must step in to prevent a low-wages shock | The New Daily
Good article about the panlty rates deicion. I agree that the lack of "red circling" or a transition plan is very strange and I wouldn't be surprised to see this created as the political heat continues
Penalty rates for Sunday, holiday work to be slashed after landmark decision by Fair Work Commission
From July, Sunday penalty rates in the retail, fast food, hospitality and pharmacy industries will be reduced
Amplify HR
Over the years, I’ve done a number of diagnostics like MBTI, DISC, LSI and MSCEIT, and I think these all have a place depending on the outcomes being sought. But I continue to have a bit of a passion for HBDI® , and I certified in 2008 as a practitioner of this tool, and recently re-certified. So what is so special about this tool? More:
Fair Work Commission orders Staples to reinstate four employees
Staples have had to reinstate 4 employees. Remember, redundancy can be done legally, effectively, and with respect for people
Amplify HR
This time of year is typically when employees and managers start to dread performance reviews. More:
Savvy Consumer
A good example of where an employer's stance may be legal, but not necessarily ethical or in line with customer expectations.
Amplify HR
This time of year is typically pretty active when it comes to hiring new staff. Don't forget the importance of making a good impression!
Happy Monday! As you know, I recently launched by new website and as part of this change, I am changing this page to align. Although the content will change focus (from being written for the employee, to managers and small/medium sized business), I hope you still find the content useful. Thanks :)
The post-holiday blues: Why they're actually good for you | The New Daily
Are you back to work today? Curing back-to-work blues from The New Daily