Maniac Music Factory is a family owned and operated musical instruments and equipment distribution company based out of Sydney Australia.
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The fuzzy family @mojohandfx #usamade #geartopia #guitarfx #fuzz #ironbell #elguapo #crosstown #knowyourtone #mojohandfx #cusackmusic
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@mojohandfx in store posters hitting Australian dealers. There's just something about Mojohand pedals that stand out. Get into your local guitar store and get some Mojo in you today!! #knowyourtone #cusackmusic #mojohandfx #dewdrop #bayou #rook #overdrive #reverb #tremelo #guitarfx #geartopia #usamade
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Spot the @cusackmusic @geartopia with @repostapp ・・・ Sunday #boardshot from the amazing @jeffreykunde lovely #pedalboard you have there! #geartopia
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#Repost @templeboards with @repostapp ・・・ @reignwolf stopped in so we could get him sorted on a more compact board. This wolf knows how to howl! ... and he's one of the kindest, most down to earth dudes. Check out his music and give him a follow! #reignwolf #templeboard #templeboards #geartalk #pedalboard #pedalboards #templeaudio
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#Repost @outdoorukulele with @repostapp ・・・ Another #throwbackthursday from @graceseelye in #Yosemite. #outdoorukulele #music #ukulele #travel #explore #adventure
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Love me some couch Cadillac guitar strap. #Repost @couch_guitar_straps with @repostapp ・・・ Rich tones in this Regram of @six_string_belief . Thanks for the post! #couchguitarstraps #cadillac #veganfriendly #vegan #guitarstrap
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10,000 here we come. One small step for Maniac, one giant leap for the Maniac way inclined. The thanks for the support folks! #maniacmusicfactory #templeboard #mojohandfx #ajpeat #couchguitarstraps #henrettaengineering #guitargrip #outdoorukulele #souldierstraps
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Need more room for pedals? #templeaudio #templeboard #trioseries #saynotovelcro #effectspedals #guitarfx #knowyourtone #cleantone
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#Repost @somerset_music with @repostapp ・・・ More @cusackmusic goodies. We have the Pedal Cracker, Tremolo, Screamer Fuzz, Tap-A-Delay and the More Louder Buffered Booster. #pedal #handmade #effectspedals #boutique #australianmusic #cleantone #effectspedals #cleantone #knowyourtone #cusackmusic #mojohandfx #boost #delaypedal #screamerfuzz #vocalist #vocals
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Bulk Blue demon @lavacable + high end tight rope kits and plugs going out to the one and only @thesmithstreetband Very happy to be helping the band out with their live touring rigs! #lavacable #bluedemon #tightrope #tightropewired #knowyourtone #cleantone #australianmusic #effectspedals #guitarrig #thesmithstreetband