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facebook.comClients, Chelsea and Kayana absolutley smashing their joint workout today, these two always train like champs, and really enjoy their sessions, keep up the good work girls 🖒💪 Wanna train with me, its a simple as contacting me on my page, or you can either email me or contact my mobile and we'll get started! Fitness at your convenience 🖒
My client Chelsea, training like an absolute champion yesterday morning, finishing off her workout with 3 sets of a 30 second battle rope circuit! With each session her performance continues to improve throughout every exercise, awesome work Chels, keep up the good work💪 If you're interested in training with me, and getting rid off those christmas gains, it's as simple as just contacting me through facebook, email or mobile 🖒 Fitness thats affordable and at your convenience!!
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Don't forget those squats this christmas season, dont let a restrictive diet and training regime, stop you from enjoying the delights of christmas! We all know how great the food is on christmas and its an obligation to eat it 🖒 That said you dont have to over induldge in the food as well, a little self control is good too (I understand how hard it is). If you are worried about blowing out your calories for the day, have a plan, consume less calories the days prior to christmas, that way youre still hitting your weekly calorie goals, so instead of damaging your results, you can actually enhance them 👌If you find time to train then I encourage you too, if it becomes a unscheduled rest day, don't be yourself up, it can still benefit your training afterwards! Stay safe, and Merry Christmas 🎉🎉
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There's no better feeling then achieving goals that youve earned through blood sweat and tears, whether it be in the gym or career goals etc. You may get knocked a few steps backwards, however thats no reason to give up, you need to ask yourself how much you want it, whether it be goals in the gym in realtion too "Im gonna bulk up", "Im going to cut down my body fat" or even at work "Im gonna get that promotion", it inevitably come downs to the your own personal desire to succeed, and after all that, when you reach it, go even further 🖒💪
Limited time offer for the next week only, sign up with me and get the first session absolutely free 💪 contact me now🖒
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Hump day motivation💪 Ive seen a lot of people when they're training, compare themselves to others saying "I wish I could squat as much as her" or "I wish I was as big as him", the only competition you should have in the gym is the person looking back at you when you're taking that gym selfie😆β seriously though, that person Is your true competition, and its your obligation to beat them every time you train💪
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Bit of monday motivation💪💪 The effort you put in now, you'll reap the rewards later! Start with me and Ill get you that after selfie β
Fitness at your convenience ! I come to you, to train you! Having a little trouble getting motivation to go to the gym, I can help, by bringing the gym to you🖒 For training enquiries and more information contact me on 0487846579 or email me at β $30 flat rate per session, (30min,45min or 1hour) $5 distance fee if over 30km. Trading days/hours Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays from early morning to 7pm Take the first step to becoming a better you
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Nathans' Mobile Fitness