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Simple, creative solutions for parents to nurture their children's financial confidence.  


Are we creating a generation of children whose self worth is dictated by social media? This is a choice not a reality #choices #onlinedangers #snapchat #musically #facebook #keepitreal #parenting #smayversaverjournal

Value building in kids starts from birth. What values are you working on with yourself and your kids? Self love is one value that I strive for my children to own and follow. Learning this createa a domino effect on so many other values and life outcomes. Excert from The Opposite of Spoiled by Ron Leiber.

Teaching kids responsibility, confidence, deserving mentality, money skills, gratitude, goal setting....IT TAKES YEARS OF HARD WORK. Start today 💖🍾 The Smayver Saver Journal is a pocket money/allowance journal that teaches kids so much more than a give, save, spend mentality when it comes to money. It was created for parents to create a system in your home that works! But it's up to you to experiment. It's simple but takes effort. Order your journal today. FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING. LINK IN BIO 💖 #parenting #pocketmoney #allowance #lifeskills #effort #habits #gratitude #patience #responsibility

Friday giggles on kids and husbands helping around the home. Can u relate? 😀😀😀

"Mummies don't fart".... intersting example of belief systems and young kids 😂😲 Young kids believe what we tell them. Take advantage of this and use for their future advantage.

Opinions vary about raising giving, independent and responsible children. I've learned to experiment with different ideas and incorporate the successful ones into our family life. The trick is knowing there is no one right way. There are many many ways...and the challenge is creating your own family blue print for success and growing together.

Expectation is the mother of frustration. Logical article and worth a read 🖒

Parenting vs the mental health of future generations? - a healthy reminder about the priorities we "feed" our children.

A child's mindset is created from every memory, symbol, communication, experience, belief and lesson they learn from birth. 0-7 is a fundamental time to nurture a mindset of greatness. Of course the mind of older children (and adults) can easily be nurtured, but the early years play a large role in who we are today.

I've just tallied the girls weekly pocket money. Each week it is 10% give, 30% save and 60% spend. It's charity week next week at school and Ruby is giving her 10% giving savings from the past 11 weeks to fundraise. It's 18.50rm which is about $5 AUD. When she is earning a salary in years to come it will become hundreds. She is learning a giving mindset young. Go Ruby! 👏💃🏹 subscribe #financialeducation #success #initiative #moneysmartkids #smayver #pocketmoney #commission #freedom

Upcoming workshops in KL. Limited to 8 per class. Includes 1 x Smayver Saver Journal to help make parenting easier :)

This workshop is for parents who are seeking a simple solution to implement a pocket money system in their household and learn the benefits of smart money habits when learned young. Learn how to teach your children the value of money and to nurture a saving, giving and grateful mindset. Only 8 spots per class, Register now @ Each participant recieves one Smayver Saver Journal - a fun pocket money and money management tool in one! Contact Jennifer on +60123457632 for more information. Workshops are in Bangsar on Tue 6 Dec(sold out) and Wed 14th Dec 10am - midday. Cost is 125rm pp. Max 8 per class.
