Summer X Salt Markets
surf, salty lifestyle, sustainability, community, beach vibes, live music, food trucks
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facebook.comLast salty surf market! Yeewww!
@sandswellsurf >> inspiring positive impact through the power of the ocean & surf. Join us for the final day of our the first official project we started as a social enterprise, the #SUMMERxSALT markets. 9am - 1pm TODAY at Brighton Reserve, Scarborough Beach WA. What a gift it has been to create this project and see it flourish 🙌🏼🐳🙏🏼 Its both sad & exciting its coming to an end for us... but 2017, we look forward for to creating space for the new! 🐋🍉🐚🎉🏄🏼♀️🐬
LAST MARKET TODAY >> PARKING UPDATE >> We are encouraging a "car-free" event, so catch the bus, ride your bike, skateboard, kite-surf your way down.... but if you DO have to drive, please be aware PARKING IS LIMITED and the *best* place to park is the Wilson Car Park (multi-level parking facility) at the North End of Scarbs (2hrs FREE or $5 all day) or why not try Manning Street, or Reserve Street car parks! >> Parking maps for your convenience:
We don't normally do this... but with it being so close to Christmas and so last minute, we have no idea where to start on our waiting list. But we had a few stall holders pull out last minute at our upcoming events this weekend and now we have spots open for: -- 1x more vendor for Summer x Salt markets (Sat) - $85 -- 1x more vendor for the FLOW festival (Fri - Sun) -$70 -- 1x more savoury food vendor for FLOW festival (100% vegetarian) - $70 If you'd like the fill the spot(s) or know someone who might, please let us know ASAP email (please do not facebook message/ comment). *Normal selection process will still apply
Yes, folks, the time has come! It's our LAST EVER FINAL Summer x Salt Markets this weekend!!! 9am - 1pm Saturday, Brighton Reserve, Scarborough Beach. Live music, community vibes, delicious food trucks, salty goodness, support local this Christmas... come celebrate the froth one last time!!! Yeww!~
Yeww!~ You know it. Our second last Summer x Salt Markets... happening at Brighton Beach, Saturday, 9am-1pm. Support local this Christmas. Coffee, juices, delicious food, amazing live music and craft workshops. Be there. Love your salty tribe. It's gonna be epic.
TOMORROW >> join us for the second last Summer x Salt Markets at Brighton Reserve 9am - 1pm. We are encouraging a "car-free" event, so catch the bus, ride your bike, skateboard, kite-surf your way down.... but if you DO have to drive, please be aware PARKING IS LIMITED and the *best* place to park is the Wilson Car Park (multi-level parking facility) at the North End of Scarbs (2hrs FREE or $5 all day) or why not try Manning Street, or Reserve Street car parks! >> Parking maps for your convenience:
Christmas might be your favourite time of year but for many Australian families Christmas is a real struggle and a constant reminder of the hardships they’re experiencing. Over 105,000 Australians will be homeless this Christmas with 17,000 of them being children. Riley Pearce and Boykie are teaming up as part of their "Street Sounds" project at the Summer x Salt Markets this Saturday to raise funds through their busking for Mission AU, who work to reduce homelessness and strengthen communities through homelessness initiatives and affordable housing, early learning and youth services, family support, and employment and skills development. Just another reason to come down to the markets this weekend, support local, support your community this Christmas. Onya legends!
The sun is shining... the ocean is calling. See you down here 9am-1pm, for fresh coffee, juices, live music and salty goodness and your fellow tribe ✌🏼️🌴 #SupportLocal