Jaydoe Eco Hair
Beautiful Hair in a Beautiful World
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If you treat your hair like this { which we all do from time to time } why not come in and get some take home heat protectant products and treatments from our new • ● E V O ● • range!!!
Photos from Jaydoe Eco Hair's post
Our new colour range 《{ L A K M E }》 is helping us create some beautiful, shiny and healthy blondes!!!! No filters needed for these beautiful colours! Needless to say we are in love 😍😍😍 All hair created by Sarah
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Come in and let one of our amazing team help you get your life more << B E A U T I F U L >> ❤
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The • ● E V O ● • care range is great for adding moisture and protein to your hair after you have been out in the elements of WA!!! Come in and purchase some now ❤ note the fun little slogans this Australian made and owned company use👇
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Where we would all rather be on a Monday!!!
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Loving this colour palate 😍 Soft nudes with a touch of nature.... The perfect the combo 👌
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New colour {{ L A K M E }} in salon now!!! ❤❤ Beautiful tones, shine and coverage. With a low or ammonia free option. We have all your colour needs covered 😉
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F R I - N A L L Y 《 its 》 F R I - Y A Y!!!
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We have had some exciting new changes in salon..... Pop in and see whats new!!! ✌
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Proof why using 《《 O L A P L E X 》》in your colour and at home is worth every penny 👐
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Or your hair.... ❤
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Have you tried our F A B U L O S O range? If not come in and try it.... it's delightful!!! ❤