Home based massage/wellness/ energy therapist, supporting your health and well being through alternative approaches for the mind, body and soul I was born in Amstelveen , Holland. Grew up in the Caribbean, lived there for over 30 years.
Having had it all, I realized I was not on my life path, as I was showing serious signs of depressions. I started looking at alternative healing modalities. I quit the family hotel business in 2000, marking a new century with new hopes, visions and experiences.
I decided to move to New York on March 15th, 2001, to be a part of my best friend's dream. It was a a hectic time, yet an adrenaline rush.
Through the family hotel contacts, I manages to get sponsorship and work as a hostess/ asst. manager in a newly opened hip restaurant, called " Salmon River".
This lasted till the infamous 911 happened.
yes, I saw the 2nd plane fly into the Twin Towers with my own bare eyes. One of the most unrealistic but harshest and most fearful moments in my life! I am writing a book about my life, so when it comes out, I will let you know.
This event caused me to ponder about the importance and my life task of life is. I made a Bucket List.
I left New York, and started my Soul Searching journey. The next decade was one of the most thrilling, exciting, adventurous, turbulant, emotional, living in the NOW moments of my life.
I traveled to Australia, backpacked the entire continent, ticking off every " what is fun? I dont know, lets find out" list. It was exhilarating.
Needless to say, I wished to live here, but due to their harsh migrating laws ( I can now say, it took me 10 years to come back with my family).
I then traveled to Africa.
I started as a guest on an Overlanding Trip from London, England to South Africa within 6 months. ( The original plan) My plan deviated into, falling in love with a driver, jumping trucks, and becoming a tour guide for another company) I worked in Africa for 1 year. needless to say, this brought me down to Earth, back to simple and basic living, man those were the most non materialistic times of my life! ( A book will come out on this too).
With a wounded heart I left Africa, to regain my spirits, and my health back to "normal", whatever that means.
I started my next chapter of my life!
I studied at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, attended about 11 self help seminars with T. Harv Ecker , got my Reiki Master and attracted my perfect Soul Mate within this time, and started a family, which lead to the next chapter of my life.
I now am a certified Brennan Science Healer, I obtained a certificate in massage at the Massage School in St. Maarten ( they no longer exist) and am a Wellness Consultant for the Doterra Essential Oils. Which I now have replaced my entire medicinal cabinet for using 100% pure therapeutic essential oils. And have added a certificate in Australian Bush Flower Essences.
This in short, is the person behind Zensations444.
It is my belief that every illness, feeling and emotion starts in the ego based mind.
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Yesterdays Wellness gathering was very exciting to be in front of a small crowd of people teaching what I love most, Body/Mind?Soul Self Care <3
There is so much wealth in these ladies knowledge.
Your Spine Stores Your Emotions | Mapping of the vertebrae
for a chuckle today, the post full moon surely is notcieable...
Don Tolman International
Smart is the New Sexy
Definetly will have this a go...
Parkinson's linked to bacteria in the gut
One of my clients, and I forgot who, had a family member dealing with this, and I mentioned to have a look at their diet!! Guys, LOTS of illnesses are linked to gut health..... I watched KNives and Forkes last night. Great eye opener!
David Wolfe
giggle, now that WOULD be a treat and the extra nature's benefits <3
Switzerland Completely Abolished Mammography Screenings: Here’s Why You Should Probably Never Get One
hhmm, interesting read, although recently having had one, this is an interesting read for future reference
23 Great Ways To Painlessly Cleanse Your Entire Body...
How To Cleanse Your Colon (Naturally Unclog Constipation)
Best Natural Colon Cleanse - Tyler Tolman