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Little Oms Children's Yoga

, Salisbury, Australia



Little Oms Yoga provides children’s, parent and child and community yoga classes in various locations in Adelaide’s northern suburbs.



Morning everyone, I have super sad news to share, due to a number of reasons I am taking a break from teaching children's yoga classes for six months. My new job will see me working full time near the city and between that, my beautiful family, full time masters study and all the running around for taekwondo, ballet/tap/jazz and drum classes I have had to accept that I actually can not do it all :) Thank you for sharing your lovely families with me each week, seeing little people grow and develop and learn to integrate yoga practice and philosophy into their little lives is really a blessing and I will certainly miss them. All being well, I am hoping to resume classes in Winter but I will keep you posted. Adult classes will continue on Tuesdays during the term and will be supported by a pilates teacher also. I apologise for any inconvenience caused and wish everyone the best x Namaste, Quentie


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