Personal training for children. Trainer has a behavioural background and specializes in training children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
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facebook.comStudents doing 'Random act of kindness' at school. Love it, so beautiful.
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to this big guy!!! THIRTEEN was the magic number during training and boy, did he train hard. Good work Champ!
Its very easy for us to get caught up in our little bubble and forget how prevlidged we are. We sometimes forget how lucky we are to live in a safe country, to have equal rights, to have education, careers, even opinions! We forget to cherish our families, our health, our proud moments, our achievements. I am very grateful to have a loving husband, we are both healthy, we have a home and plenty of work that generates an income for us to live. I am also very grateful to have a career that I love. Don't get me wrong, there are some tough days! But I love seeing the progress in all my students. Seeing how their progress effects their health and social wellbeing, how their progress impacts their school, social and home life. To see that my work with these students is improving their quality of life, opening the door to confidence, resilience, laughter and new beginnings. Now, what are you grateful for?
Played Superheroes with these two little rascals today!
So proud of this little fella, his overall body stregnth, balance and confidence have improved dramatically. Today he conquered climbing down playground structures, even though he felt fearful to begin with, he persevered and succeeded. He was so proud of his achievement that he wanted to do more!
This little lady is proud of her muscles!
This little guy is just casually mastering the Bosu!
Jump Squat!
Just warming up!
Practising footy skills...check out this awesome kick!
Train the Trainer at Micky's Fitness! Saturday 10th September Fundraiser for Diabetes. I have a few spots left, if anyone wants to come in and be creative! I already have two students training looking forward to it! There are other trainers as well, so if you want to come down and join in the fun, everyone is welcome!
Its messages like this that make me smile. (Names have been covered for confidentiality purposes.)