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St Maria Goretti's Catholic School

64 Morrison Road, Redcliffe, Australia



Saint Maria Goretti’s Catholic School is a faith-driven school enhanced by future technologies and promoting cultural diversity.


Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

We have been working hard to create our own Place Value robots. Our robots are now on display in our classroom. Come check them out in Year 1M

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

Timeline Photos

Congratulations to Year 2G Merit Award winners - Michael and Phillip

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Congratulations to Belle and Kadin from Year 2M who are this weeks Merit Award winners

Timeline Photos

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

Today Year 2G and Year 2M went on our excursion to Karalee Nursing Home. We all had a wonderful time giving our Mother's Day cards to the residents as well as the paper flowers we made for the ladies. We also shared some songs and asked the residents some interview questions to get to know them a little bit more. The ladies and gentlemen even sang us a song after! We had such a lovely time and hope to go back again for another visit. Take a look at the photos below

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

The students in Year 1G wrote their own personal learning goals that they would like to work on for this term. These goals are now stuck to their desk as a reminder for them when they are working

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

Year 2 visit to Aegis Karalee Nursing Home

This morning we visited Aegis Karalee Nursing Home. We had a wonderful time with the residents. The children made beautiful cards and flowers to give to all the mothers at the nursing home to celebrate Mother’s Day. We created questions to ask the residents so we could get to know them. We also sung some hymns and the residents even sung us a song with the piano and harmonica! A big thank you to Claire and all the staff for helping organise such a fantastic morning! We also thank the parents who came along to help us out and join in on the special occasion

Year 2 visit to Aegis Karalee Nursing Home

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

PPM have been learning about teen numbers, starting with eleven and twelve. We have been completing number mats to learn all aspects of our numbers. This involves counting, writing the number with numerals and words, drawing pictures of the number and collecting objects.

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

The Year 1 students learnt about primary and secondary colours in Visual Art. Head over to the school blog for more information.

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

The Year 5 Mad Hatter Clay Teapots are really coming together in Visual Art. This week the students have focused on the positioning of their coils to change the shape of their teapots

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

The Kindy children have begun a science unit on 'Look What We Found At The Park!' We went on a nature walk to the school oval to see what we could find. The children had fun using tweezers and magnifying glasses and collected some beautiful nature items. We have started an 'Autumn' nature area for the children to continue their investigating. Please feel free to collect more interesting items at your local park for the children to bring into Kindy

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

This week in OSHC there has been so much going on!! We have been beeezzy doing activities and learning about bees as it is National Honey Week. The children have been learning the importance of bees and their importance to the environment, which is very interesting. As Family Week is around the corner, the children have been doing various activities on their family. This week the children made their own fold out houses of their family and we had a discussion on ways we could spend more time with our family. OSHC loves to recycle! The children got creative and made a new recycle box for all our recycling items. Friendly Reminders: For the month of May we are accepting donations for Women’s and Children’s refuge, items that can be donated are:  Toiletries  Unused make up  Linen  Tea and coffee  Child PJs  Long life food items  Pencils and colouring books for children Please don’t forget to send or bring in a family photo for our family tree. Fiona Wansbrough OSHC Coordinator St Maria Goretti's OSHC M: 0413 432 139 E:

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post

In Kindy the children are learning positional language. We read the story Rosie's Walk by Pat Hutchins. We then pretended to be Rosie and found things in our ECE playground which we could walk across, around, over, past, through and under. We had to be careful of the cheeky fox who was following us

Photos from St Maria Goretti's Catholic School's post
