Raymond Terrace Community Church
We are real people with a real passion to represent a real Saviour. We're all sorts, from all backgrounds with one thing in common. Jesus.
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Psalm 117 isn't very long, in fact, just two verses. But do not confuse it's lack of words as meaning it hasn't got much to say! The message of Psalm 117 is vitally important, in fact, the message of Psalm 117 has the power to transform your life! I hope you can join us this Sunday as Steve reflects on this absolute gem of a Psalm.
Incarnate: Salvation
Incarnate: Sing
Raymond Terrace Community Church
Steadfast Love & Saving Faithfulness
Mountain Dew & Beard Oil
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As we continue our series in the Psalms, join us as we consider Psalm 69. Maybe you feel as though 2016 has left you neck deep, well, you're in good company, the psalmist felt like that too. "Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck." I hope I'll see you on Sunday to see how God remains faithful, and his love secure, even when we're neck deep!
Raymond Terrace Community Church
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Join us this Sunday as we mark the beginning of 2017 by starting a new devotional series on the Psalms. Chris will be sharing from Psalm 133.
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Join us on Christmas Day as Tim finishes of our series on the Incarnation. This week Tim will explore the reason angel's sing.
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On the run up to Christmas, Steve considers the relationship between the little baby in the manger and our rescue. The incarnation matters because without it, our salvation could never be complete. In preparation for this Sunday, make some time to read through the first two chapters of Hebrews.
Incarnate: Foretold