Café la Playa
Authentic Spanish Tapas, Paella & Cazuela.
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facebook.comTo all our loyal customers, Merry Christmas! All the best for 2017, back January 6th.
Movember for Aaron
Show your support, in memory for Aaron & for all men who have passed away & those who are suffering now. Help raise awareness for men's health issues. It's for a good cause!
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Tortitas de atún con pisto de aceitunas (Bite size tuna cakes w/ tomato & olive relish)
This week: Montaditos: Mejillones en escabeche y anchoa rebozada (Selection of 2: homemade pickled mussels & crumbed anchovies mounted on toasted baguette slices) Croquetas de Gambas (Prawn croquettes) Txistorra en sidra del verano ( Basque sausage cooked in apple cider) Boquerones en vinagre (Fresh anchovy fillets marinated in olive oil & vinegar)
Specials this week: Gambas a la plancha marinado con ajo y guindilla (Marinated bbq chilli & garlic prawns) Croquetas de zanahoria y huevo (Carrot & egg croquettes w/ a fresh herb & garlic crumb Almejas en salsa (Vongele in a garlic wine sauce w/ cherry tomatoes Espàrrecs Amb vinagreta (Catalan Asparagus salad in vinaigrette
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Huevos rellenos con pisto y atún (eggs filled w/ tomato relish & tuna) this is how my mother used to make them. Yum!
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Gambas con bacón (prawns wrapped in bacon)
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Pulpos a la Vinagreta (Octopus salad in a vinaigrette)
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Croquetas de Bacalao y Patatas (Cod & potato Croquettes)
Closed tonight due to blackout.
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Mejillones en escabeche. (Pickled Mussels).
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Croquetas de patata y verduras con una dulce mermelada de guindilla y pimiento rojo (potato & vegetable croquettes w/ a sweet chilli & red pepper jam)