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Robert's Solar Panel Cleaning (SA)

50-52 Conroy Street, Port Augusta, Australia
Business Service



Solar Panel, Window, Gutter, Skylight, Chimney/Flue Cleaning, Yard Work and Odd Jobs Robert's Solar Panel Cleaning (SA) is a business located in Port Augusta SA and is owned by Robert Robertson.
Rob specialises in cleaning Solar Panels. Other services include cleaning windows, gutters, skylights & chimneys/flues.
Rob also does some yard work and odd jobs.
Even though the business is located in Port Augusta, Rob also services Quorn, Port Pirie & Whyalla.
Rob uses his own chemical-free filtered water. It saves customers money on their water bill and they also have piece of mind that their rainwater wont be affected by chemicals.

Rob can be contacted on 0886411110  OR  0499559585  OR  at for a FREE QUOTE.

ABN: 84366039305   

*Pensioner & regular customer discounts are also offered*


***“Most manufacturers recommend the cleaning of your solar panels every 6 months.”
                                                  - Solar Clean (***

***“Manufacturers are now in agreement that cleaning and inspecting solar panels on a regular basis will improve electrical output. Regular cleaning and maintenance will also ensure that you don't void your warranty.”

                                                            - Solar Clean (***

***“Pollution, traffic dust, leaves and even bird droppings contribute to preventing sunlight from reaching the solar cells in your solar panels.
The more dirt – the lower amount of electricity they will produce. While many factors affect how much electricity your solar panels will produce – dirty solar panels can be    one of the biggest, and easiest to fix.
Experts agree that dirty solar panels don't produce as much power as clean panels. That loss may range as high as 25%in some areas according to the National Renewable  Energy laboratory. Individual dealers have reported losses as high as 30%for some customers who failed to ever clean their panels.”
  - Alchemie Limited Inc. (***

***“The benefits of solar energy are well-known, but what’s rarely mentioned is its    nemesis: dust. Some of the best places to collect solar energy are also some of the   dustiest on Earth and beyond, a quandary that leads to inefficiencies in how well the    cells are able to convert strong sunlight into renewable electricity.


Have you been using your fireplace a bit lately? Might be time to clean those chimneys/flues. If you would like a FREE estimate or make a booking give me a call on 0499559585.

Have you got any Solar Panels, Gutters or Windows that need cleaning? What about Chimneys/Flues? Or any other jobs that need doing eg yard work? Call Rob for a FREE QUOTE! PH: 0499559585

Have you got any Solar Panels, Gutters, Windows, Skylights or Chimneys/Flues that need cleaning??? Or any other jobs that need doing eg yard work? Call Rob for a FREE QUOTE! PH: 0499559585


NEAR Robert's Solar Panel Cleaning (SA)