Kirby Swim Karrinyup
Perths most passionate swim school now open in Gwelup - we can't wait to see you here!
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facebook.comJust a reminder there are no lessons running this week. Enjoy the break and we can't wait to see you all back on Monday 10th July!
Even our Aussie swimming legends take their little ones to baby swimming through winter :)
How cute are these two with Teacher Anna? Is Anna your teacher too? 😊
Always supervise your children around water 👍😀🐘🐘🐘
Happy winter solstice! Here's to days getting longer from here until December 21!
How cute is our new office assistant! 😍
How does the swimming journey happen? When you think of a journey, think of the milestones and challenges that come your way - its the same with swimming! It takes lots of time and practice to be able to swim well, and swim safely. Take a look at our infographic to see what happens at each stage and understand the journey you are on with your swimming child!
This happen to anyone else?
Wow! Thank you for all your donations! The nappy tally for WA was counted on the weekend and it was 14,880 nappies! Our next collection is in October! These will all be distributed over the next few weeks to: - Horizon House Dianella for teenage mothers - Starick Services - Pregnancy Assistance - UnitingCare West - Aboriginal drug and alcohol service - Ruah Community Services - S.O.U.L care - Mowanjum - Elisa (The Little Things Team) - Share and Care Community Services Group - the Spiers Centre - CARAD - centre for asylum seekers, refugees and detainees - Ishar Multicultural Women's health - Mission Australia - Red Cross migration support program - Fostering Hope
Nawww - these are the cutest Olympians!!
wow! lots of nappies already donated for this years Nappy Collective. These nappies are collected and donated to women and children in need throughout Australia. Keep them coming, we'd love overflowing boxes to donate :-) thank you Kirby Swim families xx
When your children end up better swimmers than you - you know you're on the right track! Glad they are loving it here Amanda, thanks for your kind words :-) #parentinggoals