Vedanta Australia
Ancient Wisdom | Modern Living The ancient wisdom of Vedanta originated in Himalayas over 10,000 years ago. Vedanta is the subtle science of the individual and the world. Its philosophy presents the higher values and eternal principles of life and living, which create inner peace and tranquility, coupled with boundless energy—a combination that promotes mental health and physical wellbeing.
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Vedanta In Perth
Vedanta In Perth
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Vedanta In Perth
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Vedanta In Perth
Dear Friends, Just letting you know that Vedanta Australia on Facebook has moved: Click 'like page' and keep in touch. 🙏🕉
Vedanta In Perth
Dear friends, please join us at Vedanta Institute Perth. Vedanta Australia will no longer be posting.
Attachment Leads to Suffering
Attachment is the cause of all suffering.
Timeline Photos
Nothing remains the same.
Love & Detachment Yoga Retreat
Wondering what to do this weekend? We have one single and one bring a friend ticket left for our urban retreat on Sunday.