SPARQ Fitness is a strength and conditioning centre for all levels of ability.
We specialise in injury prevention, post-rehab return to sport, professional athletes and general population. Strength and Conditioning for all levels of ability: Sports performance (strength, power, acceleration, reaction, and quickness)
Injury Prevention, Post-Rehab/Return to Sport, professional athletes, and general population.
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facebook.comSPARQ Fitness would like to congratulate SPARQ Athlete Chris Barty on his recent performance at the Athletics WA State Track & Field Championships 2018. Chris recorded an Australian record in the F34 Discus with a throw of 22.52m! #SPARQfitness
Olympic Lifting for the kids at SPARQ Fitness. We’re aiming at building positive life habits at a young age for our little lifters. Come join Olympic lifting coach Tau Fala Tuesday’s at 9 am. #sparq #olympiclifting
DO YOU HAVE LOWER BACK PAIN? Glute bridges are the answer. Active glutes will save your lower back, knees and hamstrings. Sit Less, Glute Bridge more. #SPARQFitness
If you want to go fast, GO ALONE. If you want to go far, Go TOGETHER! SPARQ Fitness Group Training Sessions are starting Thursday. Contact us now for details #sparqfitness
Like, share and tag a Community Club for your chance to win one month free gym membership for you and a friend at SPARQ Fitness. #SPARQfitness, #SPARQCommunityclubs, #teammates, #liftingbuddy
Come get involved with SPARQ Fitness and trainer Hardline Performance
SPARQ member Wayne row row rowing his way down over 20kgs already. Little decisions turn into Big results. Wayne’s a LEGEND.
Most facilities shy away from teaching Olympic lifting movements. Here is SPARQ trainer Hardline Performance demonstrating hang cleans. The biggest key to a clean is the TRIPLE Extension. At the ankles, knees and hips. This will pop the bar where you then can bring your body underneath it to “catch” the bar. Possibly the best exercise for developing explosiveness. Come clean with the SPARQ team.
I was just doing my weekly shop at Coles and this old, overweight woman around 60 years old was ahead of me in the line for the checkout. She needed a walker and was struggling to breathe and function. Her shop came to $120 and it consisted mainly of desserts, biscuits and chips. I waited patiently as the old lady moves on. When she is out of ear shot the checkout girl says to me "that will be all of us one day." I looked at her and she was about 45 over weight and instantly I thought, well yes you will be like that. My shop came to $65 and was nothing but bananas, salads, oates, chicken and eggs. Being like that old lady is a choice not the inevitable. Make the right choices and it will change your life. That's why SPARQ Is here to help you along the way.
Come pick up your door tag today. Have full access to SPARQ from 5 am- 10 pm.