Mike Anthony Hair Artist
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Fashion color that transforms grey hair to a whole new art form.
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Beautiful image from last years photo shoot Mt.Iza
Photos from Mike Anthony Hair Artist's post
Before and after pic of color change. Clients hair before was her natural color fine in texture and lacked volume. After color change pic shows hair ightened softly using #NATULIQUE clean organic lightening system (no toners used) to create a natural lighter fuller look and feel to her hair.
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Something elegant yet simple
Photos from Mike Anthony Hair Artist's post
Before and after hair color correction. Removed all brassy unwanted warm orangy yellow tones and created a more natural cooler healthier looking hair color with beautiful balanced tones that best complimented clients skin.
Photos from Mike Anthony Hair Artist's post
Before the color correction the hair presented with unwanted bandy brassy yellow tones and was very dehydrated. After color correction hair was cooled down completly at root and unwanted bands replaced with natural muted tones to create a refreshed hydrated natural looking hair.
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Bridal elegance
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NATULIQUE clean organic healthy warm brown color with lighter golden ends
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Super shiny chocolate color NATULIQUE lighter caramel tones for variation and texture
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Natural movement lighter tones
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Soft golden tones
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Adding a kiss of golden warmth NATULIQUE to a chocolate color creates texture less is more